babel/core 7.12.3에서 7.13.8인치/자산

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7.12.3에서 7.13.8로 요동@babel/core.
릴리즈 노트
출처 @babel/core's releases .

v7。13.8 (2021-02-26)

Thanks @luxp and @pigcan for your first PRs!

:오류:오류 수정

  • Other
    • #12909 chore: do not provide polyfills on bundling @babel/standalone (@JLHwung)
    • #12891 fix(eslint-parser): merge input estree options (@JLHwung)
  • babel-compat-data, babel-preset-env
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime


  • babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin

집 안

  • babel-core, babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner, babel-register
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime

현미경: 출력 최적화

  • babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread

제출자: 6명

v7。13.7 (2021-02-24)

:오류:오류 수정

  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime

제출자: 1

v7。13.6 (2021-02-23)

:오류:오류 수정

  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime

... (자르기)
변경 로그
출처 @babel/core's changelog .

v7。13.8 (2021-02-26)

:오류:오류 수정

  • Other
    • #12909 chore: do not provide polyfills on bundling @babel/standalone (@JLHwung)
    • #12891 fix(eslint-parser): merge input estree options (@JLHwung)
  • babel-compat-data, babel-preset-env
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime


  • babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin

집 안

  • babel-core, babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner, babel-register
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime

현미경: 출력 최적화

  • babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread

v7。13.6 (2021-02-23)

:오류:오류 수정

  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime

집 안

  • babel-compat-data, babel-preset-env

v7。13.5 (2021-02-23)

:오류:오류 수정

  • babel-compat-data, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-preset-env
  • babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-plugin-proposal-decorators, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-preset-env

v7。13.4 (2021-02-23)

:오류:오류 수정

  • babel-parser
  • babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime

v7。13.2 (2021-02-23)

... (자르기)
  • e2abc19 v7.13.8
  • ea6a438 테스트#12911
  • 에서 기본값external-helpers
  • b17231e [내부] 소스 파일을 컴파일할 때 유지.cjs 확장자#12820
  • c9da965 잡무: 강등semver~^6.3.2#12890)
  • 103b187 v7.13.1
  • 5861704 내보내기createConfigItem#12852
  • 의 기능 버전
  • c827193 v7.13.0
  • ba4ac7d 잡무:semver를 7.0.0(#12015으로 업그레이드)
  • d1d6ee6 cjs를 기본 확장으로 추가(#11498)
  • 6ef7b51 구현babel/rfcs#5 RFC
  • 에 정의된 가정
  • compare view
  • 에서 볼 수 있는 추가 제출
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