구축(deps-dev):eslint 설정을 6.15.0에서 7.0.0으로 업그레이드

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6.15.0에서 7.0.0으로 요동eslint-config-prettier.
변경 로그
출처eslint-config-prettier's changelog.

버전 7.0.0(2020-12-05)

  • Changed: At least ESLint 7.0.0 is now required.

  • Changed: [arrow-body-style] and [prefer-arrow-callback] are no longer turned off by default. They only need to be turned off if you use [eslint-plugin-prettier]. If you do, add "prettier/prettier" to your "extends" array to turn them off again.

      "extends": ["prettier", "prettier/prettier"],
      "plugins": ["prettier"],
      "rules": {
        "prettier/prettier": "error"

    Alternatively, update [eslint-plugin-prettier] to version 3.2.0 or later which automatically turns off these two rules in its "plugin:prettier/recommended" config.

    The CLI helper tool only warns about these rules if you have the "prettier/prettier" rule enabled for a file.

  • Changed: no-tabs is now a validatable rule. If you use it, you should enable allowIndentationTabs so that the rule works regardless of your Prettier config:

      "rules": {
        "no-tabs": ["error", { "allowIndentationTabs": true }]
  • Changed: The CLI helper tool is now called just eslint-config-prettier instead of eslint-config-prettier-check. This is so that npx eslint-config-prettier always works regardless of whether you have already installed eslint-config-prettier or not: If you have, the local installation is used; if you haven’t, npx downloads a temporary copy.

  • Changed: The CLI helper tool no longer requires you to pipe the output of eslint --print-config to it. Instead, it does that automatically for you via ESLint API:s added in ESLint v7.


    npx eslint --print-config index.js | npx eslint-config-prettier-check


    npx eslint-config-prettier index.js
  • Improved: The npm package is now 75% smaller.

  • 068fd1b eslint 설정prettier v7.0.0
  • 4d7347a prettier/next
  • 로부터의 합병 요청#168
  • f0b8764 각종 청결
  • 0d0b1ac 필요에 따라 국부eslint
  • 를 고정한다
  • 7642c58 오류 메시지를 eslint 플러그인에 더 적합하게 하기
  • bc65d43 Pretter/Pretter가 닫히면
  • eslint 플러그인 Pretter 규칙을 경고하지 마십시오
  • dcba135 eslint 플러그인prettier
  • 로 이동한 문서 삭제
  • 4d08b84 npm 포장 사이즈 75% 감소
  • 8a4cdcf 다른 모든 플러그인
  • 처럼 eslint plugin prettier를 자신의 파일로 이동
  • 7867a9c 탭 없음을 검증 가능한 규칙으로 변환
  • compare view
  • 에서 볼 수 있는 추가 제출
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