[백엔드] SQL #2



SELECT (, 컬럼명, 함수, sub query)
FROM( table, sub query)

✅ 출력하기

--EMPLOYEES의 모든 행 출력
select * from EMPLOYEES;   

--현재계정의 모든 table 출력
select * from tab;   

-- EMPLOYEE_ID, first_name, salary만 출력
select EMPLOYEE_ID, first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES;

-- last_name, salary, salary + 300만 출력
-- salary + 300인 값도 출력 가능
select last_name, salary, salary + 300 from EMPLOYEES;

-- last_name, salary * 12 출력
select last_name, salary * 12 from EMPLOYEES;

-- 두 문자열을 합쳐서 출력

--alias: employee_id를  사원번호로 출력
select employee_id as 사원번호, salary as 월급, first_name 이름 from EMPLOYEES;

-- distinct : 중복행을 삭제
select distinct job_id from EMPLOYEES;

-- NVL : null인 경우 설정값으로 처리하기 
select employee_id, first_name, salary, NVL(salary * commission_pct, 0) from EMPLOYEES;

✅ 출력하기 #2
where은 조건절로 사용

  • 기본 연산자
-- dual : 임시테이블, 가상테이블
select 1, 'a' from dual;

-- where 을 이용해서 조건을 만들어줌, first_name이 Julia인 사람만 찾기
select first_name, last_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
where first_name = 'Julia';

-- salary가 9000이상인 사람만 찾기
select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
where salary >= 9000;

-- Shanta보다 큰 이름만 찾기
select first_name from EMPLOYEES
where first_name >= 'Shanta';

-- is null을 이용해서 찾음, = null이 아님
select first_name from EMPLOYEES
where manager_id IS NULL;

--and 연산자
select * from EMPLOYEES 
where first_name = 'John' and salary >= 5000;

-- 부등호
select first_name, hire_date from EMPLOYEES 
where hire_date > '07/12/31';

--all(and), any(or)
select * from EMPLOYEES 
where first_name = all('Julia', 'John');  -- 출력 결과 없음

select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES 
where salary = any(8000, 3200, 6000);

--in, not in
select first_name from EMPLOYEES 
where first_name in ('Julia', 'John');

select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
where salary not in (8000, 3200, 6000);

-- between
select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES 
--where salary >= 3200 and salary <= 9000;
where salary between 3200 and 9000;

select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
where salary not between 3200 and 9000;

-- not
select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
where salary <> 9000;
  • like
  • _는 한 글자 자리 표시
  • %는 글자수 상관 없이 포함여부 검사
-- like
-- 언더바(_)는 한 글자 
select first_name from EMPLOYEES where first_name like 'G_ra_d';

-- %는 글자수 상관 없음
select first_name from EMPLOYEES where first_name like 'K%y'; 

select first_name from EMPLOYEES where first_name like 'A%';

select first_name from EMPLOYEES where first_name like '%y';

select first_name from EMPLOYEES where first_name like '%e%';

select first_name, hire_date from EMPLOYEES where hire_date like '06%';

✅ 출력하기 #3
정렬하기(order by)

  • asc: 오름차순 정렬(생략가능)
  • desc: 내림차순 정렬
select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
order by salary asc;

select first_name, salary from EMPLOYEES
order by salary desc;

-- 여러개로 한 번에 정렬 가능
select hire_date, salary from EMPLOYEES
order by hire_date asc, salary desc;
  • nulls first: null을 먼저 출력
  • nulls last: null을 가장 마지막에 출력
select commission_pct, salary from EMPLOYEES
--order by commission_pct NULLS FIRST;
--order by commission_pct NULLS LAST;
order by commission_pct NULLS LAST, salary desc;
  • group by: 그룹으로 묶는 기능
  • having: 그룹으로 묶은 후의 조건
-- department_id가 같은 것 끼리 묶고 정렬
select department_id from EMPLOYEES
group by department_id
order by department_id;
  • count, sum, avg, max, min
-- job_id가 같은 것으로 묶어서 각 수와 합계, 평균 출력
--having이 있으므로 합계가 100000이상만 출력됨
select job_id, count(*), sum(salary), avg(salary) 
group by job_id
having sum(salary) >= 100000;
  • having 조건 없는 경우

  • having 조건 있는 경우

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