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Jsoup파싱과 형태소 분석기를 이용한 태깅
stanford pos tagger (형태소 분석기)
여기서 다운로드 받음
인텔리j에서 프로젝트 만들고 File-Project Structure-Modules-Dependencies에서
stanford-postagger-4.2.0.jar 추가
jsoup-1.13.1.jar도 같이 다운 받아서 추가
다운받은 staford폴더에 models에서 english-left3words-distsim.tagger.props파일을 복사해서
프로젝트 폴더에 taggers라는 폴더 만들고 붙여넣기함
package test_package;
import edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
import java.io.IOException;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea").get();
Elements pTags = doc.getElementsByTag("p");
String bodyText = Jsoup.parse(pTags.toString()).text();
MaxentTagger tagger = new MaxentTagger("taggers/english-left3words-distsim.tagger");
String tagged = tagger.tagString(bodyText);
위키피디아 Korea검색 결과를 파싱해서 p태그만 불러와 text로 바꾼뒤
태거를 통해 바꿔줌
Korea_NNP (_-LRB- officially_RB the_DT "_`` Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP "_'' )_-RRB- is_VBZ a_DT region_NN in_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP ._. Since_IN 1945_CD it_PRP has_VBZ been_VBN divided_VBN into_IN the_DT two_CD parts_NNS which_WDT soon_RB became_VBD the_DT two_CD sovereign_JJ states_NNS :_: North_NNP Korea_NNP (_-LRB- officially_RB the_DT "_`` Democratic_NNP People_NNPS 's_POS Republic_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP "_'' )_-RRB- and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP (_-LRB- officially_RB the_DT "_`` Republic_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP "_'' )_-RRB- ._. Korea_NNP consists_VBZ of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, Jeju_NNP Island_NNP ,_, and_CC several_JJ minor_JJ islands_NNS near_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ bordered_VBN by_IN China_NNP to_IN the_DT northwest_NN and_CC Russia_NNP to_IN the_DT northeast_NN ._. It_PRP is_VBZ separated_VBN from_IN Japan_NNP to_IN the_DT east_NN by_IN the_DT Korea_NNP Strait_NNP and_CC the_DT Sea_NN of_IN Japan_NNP (_-LRB- East_NNP Sea_NNP )_-RRB- ._. During_IN the_DT first_JJ half_NN of_IN the_DT 1st_NN millennium_NN ,_, Korea_NNP was_VBD divided_VBN between_IN the_DT three_CD competing_VBG states_NNS of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Baekje_NNP ,_, and_CC Silla_NNP ,_, together_RB known_VBN as_IN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP ._. In_IN the_DT second_JJ half_NN of_IN the_DT 1st_NN millennium_NN ,_, Silla_NNP defeated_VBD and_CC conquered_VBD Baekje_NNP and_CC Goguryeo_NNP ,_, leading_VBG to_IN the_DT "_`` Unified_NNP Silla_NNP "_'' period_NN ._. Meanwhile_RB ,_, Balhae_NNP formed_VBD in_IN the_DT north_NN ,_, superseding_VBG former_JJ Goguryeo_NNP ._. Unified_JJ Silla_NNP eventually_RB collapsed_VBD into_IN three_CD separate_JJ states_NNS due_IN to_IN civil_JJ war_NN ,_, ushering_VBG in_IN the_DT Later_RBR Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS ._. Toward_IN the_DT end_NN of_IN the_DT 1st_NN millennium_NN ,_, Goguryeo_NNP was_VBD resurrected_VBN as_IN Goryeo_NNP ,_, which_WDT defeated_VBD the_DT two_CD other_JJ states_NNS and_CC unified_VBD the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP as_IN a_DT single_JJ sovereign_JJ state_NN ._. Around_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN ,_, Balhae_NNP collapsed_VBD and_CC its_PRP$ last_JJ crown_NN prince_NN fled_VBD south_RB to_IN Goryeo_NNP ._. Goryeo_NNP (_-LRB- also_RB spelled_VBN as_IN Koryŏ_NNP )_-RRB- ,_, whose_WP$ name_NN developed_VBD into_IN the_DT modern_JJ exonym_NN "_'' Korea_NNP "_'' ,_, was_VBD a_DT highly_RB cultured_VBN state_NN that_WDT created_VBD the_DT world_NN 's_POS first_JJ metal_NN movable_JJ type_NN in_IN 1234_CD ._. [_-LRB- 3_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 4_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 5_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 6_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 7_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 8_CD ]_-RRB- However_RB ,_, multiple_JJ incursions_NNS by_IN the_DT Mongol_NNP Empire_NNP during_IN the_DT 13th_JJ century_NN greatly_RB weakened_VBD the_DT nation_NN ,_, which_WDT eventually_RB agreed_VBD to_TO become_VB a_DT vassal_JJ state_NN after_IN decades_NNS of_IN fighting_NN ._. Following_VBG military_JJ resistance_NN under_IN King_NNP Gongmin_NNP that_WDT ended_VBD Mongol_NNP political_JJ influence_NN in_IN Goryeo_NNP ,_, severe_JJ political_JJ strife_NN followed_VBD ,_, and_CC Goryeo_NNP eventually_RB fell_VBD to_IN a_DT coup_NN led_VBN by_IN General_NNP Yi_NNP Seong_NNP -_HYPH gye_NNP ,_, who_WP established_VBD Joseon_NNP in_IN 17_CD July_NNP 1392_CD ._. The_DT first_JJ 200_CD years_NNS of_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP era_NN were_VBD marked_VBN by_IN relative_JJ peace_NN ._. During_IN this_DT period_NN ,_, the_DT Korean_JJ alphabet_NN was_VBD created_VBN by_IN Sejong_NNP the_DT Great_NNP in_IN the_DT 15th_JJ century_NN and_CC there_EX was_VBD increasing_VBG influence_NN of_IN Confucianism_NNP ._. During_IN the_DT later_JJ part_NN of_IN the_DT dynasty_NN ,_, Korea_NNP 's_POS isolationist_JJ policy_NN earned_VBD it_PRP the_DT Western_JJ nickname_NN of_IN the_DT "_`` Hermit_NNP Kingdom_NNP "_'' ._. By_IN the_DT late_JJ 19th_JJ century_NN ,_, the_DT country_NN became_VBD the_DT object_NN of_IN imperial_JJ design_NN by_IN the_DT Empire_NN of_IN Japan_NNP ._. After_IN the_DT First_NNP Sino_NNP -_HYPH Japanese_NNP War_NNP ,_, despite_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Empire_NNP 's_POS effort_NN to_TO modernize_VB ,_, the_DT country_NN was_VBD annexed_VBN by_IN Japan_NNP in_IN 22_CD August_NNP 1910_CD and_CC directly_RB ruled_VBN by_IN it_PRP until_IN the_DT end_NN of_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP in_IN 2_CD September_NNP 1945_CD ._. In_IN 1945_CD ,_, the_DT Soviet_NNP Union_NNP and_CC the_DT United_NNP States_NNP agreed_VBD on_IN the_DT surrender_NN of_IN Japanese_JJ forces_NNS in_IN Korea_NNP in_IN the_DT aftermath_NN of_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP ,_, leaving_VBG Korea_NNP partitioned_VBN along_IN the_DT 38th_JJ parallel_NN ._. The_DT North_NNP was_VBD under_IN Soviet_JJ occupation_NN and_CC the_DT South_NNP under_IN U.S._NNP occupation_NN ._. These_DT circumstances_NNS became_VBD the_DT basis_NN for_IN the_DT division_NN of_IN Korea_NNP by_IN the_DT two_CD superpowers_NNS with_IN two_CD different_JJ ideologies_NNS ,_, exacerbated_VBN by_IN their_PRP$ inability_NN to_TO agree_VB on_IN the_DT terms_NNS of_IN Korean_JJ independence_NN ._. The_DT Communist_JJ -_HYPH inspired_JJ government_NN in_IN the_DT North_NNP received_VBD backing_NN from_IN the_DT Soviet_NNP Union_NNP in_IN opposition_NN to_IN the_DT pro-Western_JJ government_NN in_IN the_DT South_NNP ,_, leading_VBG to_IN Korea_NNP 's_POS division_NN into_IN two_CD political_JJ entities_NNS in_IN 1948_CD :_: North_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. Tensions_NNS between_IN the_DT two_CD resulted_VBD in_IN the_DT outbreak_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP in_IN 1950_CD ._. With_IN involvement_NN by_IN foreign_JJ troops_NNS ,_, the_DT war_NN ended_VBD in_IN a_DT stalemate_NN in_IN 1953_CD ,_, but_CC without_IN a_DT formalized_VBN peace_NN treaty_NN ._. This_DT status_NN contributes_VBZ to_IN the_DT high_JJ tensions_NNS that_WDT continue_VBP to_TO divide_VB the_DT peninsula_NN ._. Both_DT governments_NNS of_IN the_DT two_CD Koreas_NNPS continue_VBP to_TO claim_VB to_TO be_VB the_DT sole_JJ legitimate_JJ government_NN of_IN the_DT region_NN ._. "_'' Korea_NNP "_'' is_VBZ the_DT modern_JJ spelling_NN of_IN "_`` Corea_NNP "_'' ,_, a_DT name_NN attested_VBN in_IN English_NNP as_IN early_JJ as_IN 1614_CD ._. [_-LRB- 9_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 10_CD ]_-RRB- Korea_NNP was_VBD transliterated_VBN as_IN Cauli_NNP in_IN The_DT Travels_NNPS of_IN Marco_NNP Polo_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 11_CD ]_-RRB- of_IN the_DT Chinese_JJ 高麗_NN (_-LRB- MC_NNP Kawlej_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 12_CD ]_-RRB- mod_NNP ._. Gāolì_NNP )_-RRB- ._. This_DT was_VBD the_DT Hanja_NNP for_IN the_DT Korean_JJ kingdom_NN of_IN Goryeo_NNP (_-LRB- Korean_NNP :_: 고려_NN ;_: Hanja_NNP :_: 高麗_NN ;_: MR_NNP :_: Koryŏ_NNP )_-RRB- ,_, which_WDT ruled_VBD most_JJS of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ peninsula_NN during_IN Marco_NNP Polo_NNP 's_POS time_NN ._. Korea_NNP 's_POS introduction_NN to_IN the_DT West_NNP resulted_VBD from_IN trade_NN and_CC contact_NN with_IN merchants_NNS from_IN Arabic_JJ lands_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 13_CD ]_-RRB- with_IN some_DT records_NNS dating_VBG back_RB as_RB far_RB as_IN the_DT 9th_JJ century_NN ._. [_-LRB- 14_CD ]_-RRB- Goryeo_NNP 's_POS name_NN was_VBD a_DT continuation_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP (_-LRB- Koguryŏ_NNP )_-RRB- the_DT northernmost_JJ of_IN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP ,_, which_WDT was_VBD officially_RB known_VBN as_IN Goryeo_NNP beginning_VBG in_IN the_DT 5th_JJ century_NN ._. [_-LRB- 15_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT original_JJ name_NN was_VBD a_DT combination_NN of_IN the_DT adjective_NN go_NN (_-LRB- "_`` high_JJ ,_, lofty_JJ "_'' )_-RRB- with_IN the_DT name_NN of_IN a_DT local_JJ Yemaek_NNP tribe_NN ,_, whose_WP$ original_JJ name_NN is_VBZ thought_VBN to_TO have_VB been_VBN either_CC *_NFP Guru_NN (_-LRB- 溝樓_NN ,_, "_'' walled_JJ city_NN ,_, "_'' inferred_VBN from_IN some_DT toponyms_NNS in_IN Chinese_JJ historical_JJ documents_NNS )_-RRB- or_CC *_NFP Gauri_NNP (_-LRB- 가우리_NNP ,_, "_`` center_NN "_'' )_-RRB- ._. With_IN expanding_VBG British_JJ and_CC American_JJ trade_NN following_VBG the_DT opening_NN of_IN Korea_NNP in_IN the_DT late_JJ 19th_JJ century_NN ,_, the_DT spelling_NN "_`` Korea_NNP "_'' appeared_VBD and_CC gradually_RB grew_VBD in_IN popularity_NN ;_: [_-LRB- 9_CD ]_-RRB- its_PRP$ use_NN in_IN transcribing_VBG East_JJ Asian_JJ languages_NNS avoids_VBZ the_DT issues_NNS caused_VBN by_IN the_DT separate_JJ hard_JJ and_CC soft_JJ Cs_NNS existing_VBG in_IN English_NNP vocabulary_NN derived_VBN from_IN the_DT Romance_NN languages_NNS ._. The_DT name_NN Korea_NNP is_VBZ now_RB commonly_RB used_VBN in_IN English_NNP contexts_NNS by_IN both_DT North_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. In_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, Korea_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_NN is_VBZ referred_VBN to_IN as_IN Hanguk_NNP (_-LRB- 한국_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- haːnɡuk_NN ]_-RRB- ,_, lit_VBN ._. "_'' country_NN of_IN the_DT Han_NNP "_'' )_-RRB- ._. The_DT name_NN references_NNS Samhan_NNP ,_, referring_VBG to_IN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP ,_, not_RB the_DT ancient_JJ confederacies_NNS in_IN the_DT southern_JJ Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 16_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 17_CD ]_-RRB- Although_IN written_VBN in_IN Hanja_NNP as_IN 韓_NNP ,_, 幹_NN ,_, or_CC 刊_NN ,_, this_DT Han_NNP has_VBZ no_DT relation_NN to_IN the_DT Chinese_JJ place_NN names_NNS or_CC peoples_NNS who_WP used_VBD those_DT characters_NNS but_CC was_VBD a_DT phonetic_JJ transcription_NN (_-LRB- OC_NN :_: *_NFP Gar_NNP ,_, MC_NNP Han_NNP [_-LRB- 12_CD ]_-RRB- or_CC Gan_NNP )_-RRB- of_IN a_DT native_JJ Korean_JJ word_NN that_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO have_VB had_VBN the_DT meaning_NN "_`` big_JJ "_'' or_CC "_`` great_JJ "_'' ,_, particularly_RB in_IN reference_NN to_IN leaders_NNS ._. It_PRP has_VBZ been_VBN tentatively_RB linked_VBN with_IN the_DT title_NN khan_NN used_VBN by_IN the_DT nomads_NNS of_IN Manchuria_NNP and_CC Central_NNP Asia_NNP ._. In_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, Japan_NNP ,_, China_NNP and_CC Vietnam_NNP ,_, Korea_NNP as_IN a_DT whole_NN is_VBZ referred_VBN to_IN as_IN 조선_NN ,_, (_-LRB- Joseon_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- tɕosʰʌn_NN ]_-RRB- )_-RRB- ,_, 朝鮮_NN (_-LRB- Chōsen_NNP )_-RRB- ,_, 朝鲜_NN /_HYPH 朝鮮_NN (_-LRB- Cháoxiǎn_NNP /_HYPH Jīusīn_NNP )_-RRB- ,_, Triều_NNP Tiên_NNP (_-LRB- 朝鮮_NN )_-RRB- lit_VBN ._. "_'' [_-LRB- land_NN of_IN the_DT ]_-RRB- Morning_NNP Calm_NNP "_'' )_-RRB- ._. "_'' Great_NNP Joseon_NNP "_'' was_VBD the_DT name_NN of_IN the_DT kingdom_NN ruled_VBN by_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP dynasty_NN from_IN 1393_CD until_IN their_PRP$ declaration_NN of_IN the_DT short_JJ -_HYPH lived_JJ Great_JJ Korean_JJ Empire_NN in_IN 1897_CD ._. King_NNP Taejo_NNP had_VBD named_VBN them_PRP for_IN the_DT earlier_JJR Kojoseon_NN (_-LRB- 고조선_NN )_-RRB- ,_, who_WP ruled_VBD northern_JJ Korea_NNP from_IN its_PRP$ legendary_JJ prehistory_NN until_IN their_PRP$ conquest_NN in_IN 108_CD BCE_NNP by_IN China_NNP 's_POS Han_NNP Empire_NNP ._. This_DT go_NN is_VBZ the_DT Hanja_NNP 古_NN and_CC simply_RB means_VBZ "_`` ancient_JJ "_'' or_CC "_`` old_JJ "_'' ;_: it_PRP is_VBZ a_DT modern_JJ usage_NN to_TO distinguish_VB the_DT ancient_JJ Joseon_NNP from_IN the_DT later_JJ dynasty_NN ._. Joseon_NNP itself_PRP is_VBZ the_DT modern_JJ Korean_JJ pronunciation_NN of_IN the_DT Hanja_NNP 朝鮮_NN but_CC it_PRP is_VBZ unclear_JJ whether_IN this_DT was_VBD a_DT transcription_NN of_IN a_DT native_JJ Korean_JJ name_NN (_-LRB- OC_NN *_SYM T_NN [_-LRB- r_NN ]_-RRB- awser_NN ,_, MC_NNP Trjewsjen_NNP [_-LRB- 12_CD ]_-RRB- )_-RRB- or_CC a_DT partial_JJ translation_NN into_IN Chinese_JJ of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ capital_NN Asadal_NNP (_-LRB- 아사달_NN )_-RRB- ,_, [_-LRB- 18_CD ]_-RRB- whose_WP$ meaning_NN has_VBZ been_VBN reconstructed_VBN as_IN "_`` Morning_NNP Land_NNP "_'' or_CC "_`` Mountain_NNP "_'' ._. Korea_NNP consists_VBZ of_IN a_DT peninsula_NN and_CC nearby_JJ islands_NNS located_VBN in_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP ._. The_DT peninsula_NN extends_VBZ southwards_RB for_IN about_RB 1,100_CD km_NN (_-LRB- 680_CD mi_NNP )_-RRB- from_IN continental_JJ Asia_NNP into_IN the_DT Pacific_NNP Ocean_NNP and_CC is_VBZ surrounded_VBN by_IN the_DT Sea_NNP of_IN Japan_NNP (_-LRB- East_NNP Sea_NNP )_-RRB- to_IN the_DT east_NN and_CC the_DT Yellow_NNP Sea_NNP (_-LRB- West_NNP Sea_NNP )_-RRB- to_IN the_DT west_NN ,_, the_DT Korea_NNP Strait_NNP connecting_VBG the_DT two_CD bodies_NNS of_IN water_NN ._. [_-LRB- 19_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 20_CD ]_-RRB- To_IN the_DT northwest_NN ,_, the_DT Amnok_NNP River_NNP separates_VBZ Korea_NNP from_IN China_NNP and_CC to_IN the_DT northeast_NN ,_, the_DT Duman_NNP River_NNP separates_VBZ it_PRP from_IN China_NNP and_CC Russia_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 21_CD ]_-RRB- Notable_JJ islands_NNS include_VBP Jeju_NNP Island_NNP ,_, Ulleung_NNP Island_NNP ,_, Dokdo_NNP ._. The_DT southern_JJ and_CC western_JJ parts_NNS of_IN the_DT peninsula_NN have_VBP well_RB -_HYPH developed_VBN plains_NNS ,_, while_IN the_DT eastern_JJ and_CC northern_JJ parts_NNS are_VBP mountainous_JJ ._. The_DT highest_JJS mountain_NN in_IN Korea_NNP is_VBZ Mount_NNP Paektu_NNP (_-LRB- 2,744_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, through_IN which_WDT runs_VBZ the_DT border_NN with_IN China_NNP ._. The_DT southern_JJ extension_NN of_IN Mount_NNP Paektu_NNP is_VBZ a_DT highland_NN called_VBN Gaema_NNP Heights_NNP ._. This_DT highland_NN was_VBD mainly_RB raised_VBN during_IN the_DT Cenozoic_NNP orogeny_NN and_CC partly_RB covered_VBN by_IN volcanic_JJ matter_NN ._. To_IN the_DT south_NN of_IN Gaema_NNP Gowon_NNP ,_, successive_JJ high_JJ mountains_NNS are_VBP located_VBN along_IN the_DT eastern_JJ coast_NN of_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ._. This_DT mountain_NN range_NN is_VBZ named_VBN Baekdudaegan_NNP ._. Some_DT significant_JJ mountains_NNS include_VBP Mount_NNP Sobaek_NNP or_CC Sobaeksan_NNP (_-LRB- 1,439_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, Mount_NNP Kumgang_NNP (_-LRB- 1,638_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, Mount_NNP Seorak_NNP (_-LRB- 1,708_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, Mount_NNP Taebaek_NNP (_-LRB- 1,567_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, and_CC Mount_NNP Jiri_NNP (_-LRB- 1,915_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ._. There_EX are_VBP several_JJ lower_JJR ,_, secondary_JJ mountain_NN series_NN whose_WP$ direction_NN is_VBZ almost_RB perpendicular_JJ to_IN that_DT of_IN Baekdudaegan_NNP ._. They_PRP are_VBP developed_VBN along_IN the_DT tectonic_JJ line_NN of_IN Mesozoic_JJ orogeny_NN and_CC their_PRP$ directions_NNS are_VBP basically_RB northwest_JJ ._. Unlike_IN most_JJS ancient_JJ mountains_NNS on_IN the_DT mainland_NN ,_, many_JJ important_JJ islands_NNS in_IN Korea_NNP were_VBD formed_VBN by_IN volcanic_JJ activity_NN in_IN the_DT Cenozoic_NNP orogeny_NN ._. Jeju_NNP Island_NNP ,_, situated_VBN off_IN the_DT southern_JJ coast_NN ,_, is_VBZ a_DT large_JJ volcanic_JJ island_NN whose_WP$ main_JJ mountain_NN ,_, Mount_NNP Halla_NNP or_CC Hallasan_NNP (_-LRB- 1,950_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ,_, is_VBZ the_DT highest_JJS in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. Ulleung_NNP Island_NNP is_VBZ a_DT volcanic_JJ island_NN in_IN the_DT Sea_NN of_IN Japan_NNP ,_, the_DT composition_NN of_IN which_WDT is_VBZ more_RBR felsic_JJ than_IN Jeju_NNP ._. The_DT volcanic_JJ islands_NNS tend_VBP to_TO be_VB younger_JJR ,_, the_DT more_RBR westward_RB ._. Because_IN the_DT mountainous_JJ region_NN is_VBZ mostly_RB on_IN the_DT eastern_JJ part_NN of_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ,_, the_DT main_JJ rivers_NNS tend_VBP to_TO flow_VB westwards_RB ._. Two_CD exceptions_NNS are_VBP the_DT southward_RB -_HYPH flowing_VBG Nakdong_NNP River_NNP and_CC Seomjin_NNP River_NNP ._. Important_JJ rivers_NNS running_VBG westward_RB include_VBP the_DT Amnok_NNP River_NNP ,_, the_DT Chongchon_NNP River_NNP ,_, the_DT Taedong_NNP River_NNP ,_, the_DT Han_NNP River_NNP ,_, the_DT Geum_NNP River_NNP ,_, and_CC the_DT Yeongsan_NNP River_NNP ._. These_DT rivers_NNS have_VBP vast_JJ flood_NN plains_NNS and_CC provide_VB an_DT ideal_JJ environment_NN for_IN wet_JJ -_HYPH rice_NN cultivation_NN ._. The_DT southern_JJ and_CC southwestern_JJ coastlines_NNS of_IN the_DT peninsula_NN form_NN a_DT well_RB -_HYPH developed_VBN ria_NN coastline_NN ,_, known_VBN as_IN Dadohae_NN -_HYPH jin_NN in_IN Korean_JJ ._. This_DT convoluted_JJ coastline_NN provides_VBZ mild_JJ seas_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT resulting_VBG calm_JJ environment_NN allows_VBZ for_IN safe_JJ navigation_NN ,_, fishing_NN ,_, and_CC seaweed_NN farming_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_DT complex_JJ coastline_NN ,_, the_DT western_JJ coast_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP has_VBZ an_DT extremely_RB high_JJ tidal_JJ amplitude_NN (_-LRB- at_IN Incheon_NNP ,_, around_IN the_DT middle_NN of_IN the_DT western_JJ coast_NN ,_, the_DT tide_NN can_MD get_VB as_RB high_JJ as_IN 9_CD m_NN )_-RRB- ._. Vast_JJ tidal_JJ flats_NNS have_VBP been_VBN developing_VBG on_IN the_DT south_NN and_CC west_NN coastlines_NNS ._. Korea_NNP has_VBZ a_DT temperate_JJ climate_NN with_IN comparatively_RB fewer_JJR typhoons_NNS than_IN other_JJ countries_NNS in_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP ._. Due_IN to_IN the_DT peninsula_NN 's_POS position_NN ,_, it_PRP has_VBZ a_DT unique_JJ climate_NN influenced_VBN by_IN Siberia_NNP in_IN the_DT north_NN ,_, the_DT Pacific_NNP Ocean_NNP in_IN the_DT east_NN and_CC the_DT rest_NN of_IN Eurasia_NNP in_IN the_DT west_NN ._. The_DT peninsula_NN has_VBZ four_CD distinct_JJ seasons_NNS :_: spring_NN ,_, summer_NN ,_, autumn_NN and_CC winter_NN ._. [_-LRB- 22_CD ]_-RRB- As_IN influence_NN from_IN Siberia_NNP weakens_VBZ ,_, temperatures_NNS begin_VBP to_TO increase_VB while_IN the_DT high_JJ pressure_NN begins_VBZ to_TO move_VB away_RB ._. If_IN the_DT weather_NN is_VBZ abnormally_RB dry_JJ ,_, Siberia_NNP will_MD have_VB more_JJR influence_NN on_IN the_DT peninsula_NN leading_VBG to_IN wintry_JJ weather_NN such_JJ as_IN snow_NN ._. [_-LRB- 23_CD ]_-RRB- During_IN June_NNP at_IN the_DT start_NN of_IN the_DT summer_NN ,_, there_EX tends_VBZ to_TO be_VB a_DT lot_NN of_IN rain_NN due_IN to_IN the_DT cold_JJ and_CC wet_JJ air_NN from_IN the_DT Sea_NNP of_IN Okhotsk_NNP and_CC the_DT hot_JJ and_CC humid_JJ air_NN from_IN the_DT Pacific_NNP Ocean_NNP combining_VBG ._. When_WRB these_DT fronts_NNS combine_VBP ,_, it_PRP leads_VBZ to_IN a_DT so_RB -_HYPH called_VBN rainy_JJ season_NN with_IN often_RB cloudy_JJ days_NNS with_IN rain_NN ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ sometimes_RB very_RB heavy_JJ ._. The_DT hot_JJ and_CC humid_JJ winds_NNS from_IN the_DT south_JJ west_NN blow_NN causing_VBG an_DT increasing_VBG amount_NN of_IN humidity_NN and_CC this_DT leads_VBZ to_IN the_DT fronts_NNS moving_VBG towards_IN Manchuria_NNP in_IN China_NNP and_CC thus_RB there_EX is_VBZ less_JJR rain_NN and_CC this_DT is_VBZ known_VBN as_IN midsummer_NN ;_: temperatures_NNS can_MD exceed_VB 30_CD °C_NN (_-LRB- 86_CD °F_NN )_-RRB- daily_RB at_IN this_DT time_NN of_IN year_NN ._. Usually_RB ,_, high_JJ pressure_NN is_VBZ heavily_RB dominant_JJ during_IN autumn_NN leading_VBG to_IN clear_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, temperatures_NNS remain_VBP high_JJ but_CC the_DT humidity_NN becomes_VBZ relatively_RB low_JJ ._. The_DT weather_NN becomes_VBZ increasingly_RB dominated_VBN by_IN Siberia_NNP during_IN winter_NN and_CC the_DT jet_NN stream_NN moves_NNS further_RB south_RB causing_VBG a_DT drop_NN in_IN temperature_NN ._. This_DT season_NN is_VBZ relatively_RB dry_JJ with_IN some_DT snow_NN falling_VBG at_IN times_NNS ._. Animal_JJ life_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP includes_VBZ a_DT considerable_JJ number_NN of_IN bird_NN species_NNS and_CC native_JJ freshwater_JJ fish_NN ._. Native_JJ or_CC endemic_JJ species_NNS of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP include_VBP Korean_JJ hare_NN ,_, Korean_JJ water_NN deer_NN ,_, Korean_JJ field_NN mouse_NN ,_, Korean_JJ brown_JJ frog_NN ,_, Korean_JJ pine_NN and_CC Korean_NNP spruce_VBP ._. The_DT Korean_JJ Demilitarized_NNP Zone_NNP (_-LRB- DMZ_NNP )_-RRB- with_IN its_PRP$ forest_NN and_CC natural_JJ wetlands_NNS is_VBZ a_DT unique_JJ biodiversity_NN spot_NN ,_, which_WDT harbours_VBZ eighty_CD -_HYPH two_CD endangered_JJ species_NNS ._. Korea_NNP once_RB hosted_VBD many_JJ Siberian_JJ tigers_NNS ,_, but_CC as_IN the_DT number_NN of_IN people_NNS affected_VBN by_IN the_DT tigers_NNS increased_VBD ,_, the_DT tigers_NNS were_VBD killed_VBN in_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP Dynasty_NNP and_CC the_DT Siberian_JJ tigers_NNS in_IN the_DT South_NNP Korea_NNP became_VBD extinct_JJ during_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ colonial_JJ era_NN period_NN ._. It_PRP has_VBZ been_VBN confirmed_VBN that_IN Siberian_JJ tigers_NNS are_VBP only_RB on_IN the_DT side_NN of_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP now_RB ._. There_EX are_VBP also_RB approximately_RB 3,034_CD species_NNS of_IN vascular_JJ plants_NNS ._. The_DT Korean_NNP Academy_NNP claimed_VBD ancient_JJ hominid_NN fossils_NNS originating_VBG from_IN about_RB 100,000_CD BCE_NNP in_IN the_DT lava_NN at_IN a_DT stone_NN city_NN site_NN in_IN Korea_NNP ._. Fluorescent_JJ and_CC high_JJ -_HYPH magnetic_JJ analyses_NNS indicate_VBP the_DT volcanic_JJ fossils_NNS may_MD be_VB from_IN as_RB early_JJ as_IN 300,000_CD BCE_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 24_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT best_JJS preserved_VBN Korean_JJ pottery_NN goes_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_DT paleolithic_JJ times_NNS around_IN 10,000_CD BCE_NNP and_CC the_DT Neolithic_JJ period_NN begins_VBZ around_IN 6000_CD BCE_NNP ._. According_VBG to_IN legend_NN ,_, Dangun_NNP ,_, a_DT descendant_NN of_IN Heaven_NNP ,_, established_VBN Gojoseon_NNP in_IN 2333_CD BCE_NNP ._. In_IN 108_CD BCE_NNP ,_, the_DT Han_NNP dynasty_NN defeated_VBD Gojoseon_NNP and_CC installed_VBD four_CD commanderies_NNS in_IN the_DT northern_JJ Korean_JJ peninsula_NN ._. Three_CD of_IN the_DT commanderies_NNS fell_VBD or_CC retreated_VBD westward_RB within_IN a_DT few_JJ decades_NNS ,_, but_CC the_DT Lelang_NNP Commandery_NNP remained_VBD as_IN a_DT center_NN of_IN cultural_JJ and_CC economic_JJ exchange_NN with_IN successive_JJ Chinese_JJ dynasties_NNS for_IN four_CD centuries_NNS ._. By_IN 313_CD ,_, Goguryeo_NNP annexed_VBD all_DT of_IN the_DT Chinese_JJ commanderies_NNS ._. The_DT Proto_NN –_HYPH Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS period_NN ,_, sometimes_RB called_VBD the_DT Multiple_JJ States_NNP Period_NN ,_, is_VBZ the_DT earlier_JJR part_NN of_IN what_WP is_VBZ commonly_RB called_VBN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS Period_NN ,_, following_VBG the_DT fall_NN of_IN Gojoseon_NNP but_CC before_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Baekje_NNP ,_, and_CC Silla_NNP fully_RB developed_VBD into_IN kingdoms_NNS ._. This_DT time_NN period_NN saw_VBD numerous_JJ states_NNS spring_VBP up_RP from_IN the_DT former_JJ territories_NNS of_IN Gojoseon_NNP ,_, which_WDT encompassed_VBD northern_JJ Korea_NNP and_CC southern_JJ Manchuria_NNP ._. With_IN the_DT fall_NN of_IN Gojoseon_NNP ,_, southern_NNP Korea_NNP entered_VBD the_DT Samhan_NNP period_NN ._. Located_VBN in_IN the_DT southern_JJ part_NN of_IN Korea_NNP ,_, Samhan_NNP referred_VBD to_IN the_DT three_CD confederacies_NNS of_IN Mahan_NNP ,_, Jinhan_NNP ,_, and_CC Byeonhan_NNP ._. Mahan_NNP was_VBD the_DT largest_JJS and_CC consisted_VBD of_IN 54_CD states_NNS ._. Byeonhan_NNP and_CC Jinhan_NNP both_DT consisted_VBD of_IN twelve_CD states_NNS ,_, bringing_VBG a_DT total_NN of_IN 78_CD states_NNS within_IN the_DT Samhan_NNP ._. These_DT three_CD confederacies_NNS eventually_RB developed_VBD into_IN Baekje_NNP ,_, Silla_NNP ,_, and_CC Gaya_NNP ._. The_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP consisted_VBD of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Silla_NNP ,_, and_CC Baekje_NNP ._. Silla_NNP and_CC Baekje_NNP controlled_VBD the_DT southern_JJ half_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, maintaining_VBG the_DT former_JJ Samhan_NNP territories_NNS ,_, while_IN Goguryeo_NNP controlled_VBD the_DT northern_JJ half_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, Manchuria_NNP and_CC the_DT Liaodong_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, uniting_VBG Buyeo_NNP ,_, Okjeo_NNP ,_, Dongye_NNP ,_, and_CC other_JJ states_NNS in_IN the_DT former_JJ Gojoseon_NNP territories_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 25_CD ]_-RRB- Goguryeo_NNP was_VBD a_DT highly_RB militaristic_JJ state_NN ;_: [_-LRB- 26_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 27_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- self_NN -_HYPH published_VBN source_NN ?_. ]_-RRB- it_PRP was_VBD a_DT powerful_JJ empire_NN and_CC one_CD of_IN the_DT great_JJ powers_NNS in_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 28_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 29_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 30_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 31_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- self_NN -_HYPH published_VBN source_NN ?_. ]_-RRB- reaching_VBG its_PRP$ zenith_NN in_IN the_DT 5th_JJ century_NN when_WRB its_PRP$ territories_NNS expanded_VBN to_TO encompass_VB most_JJS of_IN Manchuria_NNP to_IN the_DT north_NN ,_, parts_NNS of_IN Inner_NNP Mongolia_NNP to_IN the_DT west_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 32_CD ]_-RRB- parts_NNS of_IN Russia_NNP to_IN the_DT east_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 33_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC the_DT Seoul_NNP region_NN to_IN the_DT south_NN ._. [_-LRB- 34_CD ]_-RRB- Goguryeo_NNP experienced_VBD a_DT golden_JJ age_NN under_IN Gwanggaeto_NNP the_DT Great_NNP and_CC his_PRP$ son_NN Jangsu_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 35_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 36_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 37_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 38_CD ]_-RRB- who_WP both_DT subdued_JJ Baekje_NNP and_CC Silla_NNP during_IN their_PRP$ times_NNS ,_, achieving_VBG a_DT brief_JJ unification_NN of_IN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP and_CC becoming_VBG the_DT most_RBS dominant_JJ power_NN on_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 39_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 40_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN addition_NN to_IN contesting_VBG for_IN control_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, Goguryeo_NNP had_VBD many_JJ military_JJ conflicts_NNS with_IN various_JJ Chinese_JJ dynasties_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 41_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- self_NN -_HYPH published_VBN source_NN ?_. ]_-RRB- most_RBS notably_RB the_DT Goguryeo_NNP –_HYPH Sui_NNP War_NNP ,_, in_IN which_WDT Goguryeo_NNP defeated_VBD a_DT huge_JJ force_NN said_VBD to_IN number_NN over_IN a_DT million_CD men_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 42_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 43_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 44_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 45_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 46_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 642_CD ,_, the_DT powerful_JJ general_JJ Yeon_NNP Gaesomun_NNP led_VBD a_DT coup_NN and_CC gained_VBD complete_JJ control_NN over_IN Goguryeo_NNP ._. In_IN response_NN ,_, Emperor_NNP Tang_NNP Taizong_NNP of_IN China_NNP led_VBD a_DT campaign_NN against_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, but_CC was_VBD defeated_VBN and_CC retreated_VBN ._. [_-LRB- 47_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 48_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- self_NN -_HYPH published_VBN source_NN ?_. ]_-RRB- After_IN the_DT death_NN of_IN Tang_NNP Taizong_NNP ,_, his_PRP$ son_NN Emperor_NNP Tang_NNP Gaozong_NNP allied_VBN with_IN the_DT Korean_JJ kingdom_NN of_IN Silla_NNP and_CC invaded_VBD Goguryeo_NNP again_RB ,_, but_CC was_VBD unable_JJ to_TO overcome_VB Goguryeo_NNP 's_POS stalwart_NN defenses_NNS and_CC was_VBD defeated_VBN in_IN 662_CD ._. [_-LRB- 49_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 50_CD ]_-RRB- However_RB ,_, Yeon_NNP Gaesomun_NNP died_VBD of_IN a_DT natural_JJ cause_NN in_IN 666_CD and_CC Goguryeo_NNP was_VBD thrown_VBN into_IN chaos_NN and_CC weakened_VBN by_IN a_DT succession_NN struggle_NN among_IN his_PRP$ sons_NNS and_CC younger_JJR brother_NN ,_, with_IN his_PRP$ eldest_JJS son_NN defecting_VBG to_IN Tang_NNP and_CC his_PRP$ younger_JJR brother_NN defecting_VBG to_IN Silla_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 51_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 52_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT Tang_NNP -_HYPH Silla_NNP alliance_NN finally_RB conquered_VBD Goguryeo_NNP in_IN 668_CD ._. After_IN the_DT collapse_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Tang_NNP and_CC Silla_NNP ended_VBD their_PRP$ alliance_NN and_CC fought_VBD over_IN control_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. Silla_NNP succeeded_VBD in_IN gaining_VBG control_NN over_IN most_JJS of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, while_IN Tang_NNP gained_VBD control_NN over_IN Goguryeo_NNP 's_POS northern_JJ territories_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, 30_CD years_NNS after_IN the_DT fall_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, a_DT Goguryeo_NNP general_JJ by_IN the_DT name_NN of_IN Dae_NNP Joyeong_NNP founded_VBD the_DT Korean_JJ -_HYPH Mohe_JJ state_NN of_IN Balhae_NNP and_CC successfully_RB expelled_VBD the_DT Tang_NNP presence_NN from_IN much_JJ of_IN the_DT former_JJ Goguryeo_NNP territories_NNS ._. The_DT southwestern_JJ Korean_JJ kingdom_NN of_IN Baekje_NNP was_VBD founded_VBN around_IN modern_JJ -_HYPH day_NN Seoul_NNP by_IN a_DT Goguryeo_NNP prince_NNP ,_, a_DT son_NN of_IN the_DT founder_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 53_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 54_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- self_NN -_HYPH published_VBN source_NN ?_. ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 55_CD ]_-RRB- Baekje_NNP absorbed_VBD all_DT of_IN the_DT Mahan_NNP states_NNS and_CC subjugated_VBN most_JJS of_IN the_DT western_JJ Korean_JJ peninsula_NN (_-LRB- including_VBG the_DT modern_JJ provinces_NNS of_IN Gyeonggi_NNP ,_, Chungcheong_NNP ,_, and_CC Jeolla_NNP ,_, as_RB well_RB as_IN parts_NNS of_IN Hwanghae_NNP and_CC Gangwon_NNP )_-RRB- to_IN a_DT centralised_JJ government_NN ;_: during_IN the_DT expansion_NN of_IN its_PRP$ territory_NN ,_, Baekje_NNP acquired_VBD Chinese_JJ culture_NN and_CC technology_NN through_IN maritime_JJ contacts_NNS with_IN the_DT Southern_NNP Dynasties_NNPS ._. Baekje_NNP was_VBD a_DT great_JJ maritime_JJ power_NN ;_: [_-LRB- 56_CD ]_-RRB- its_PRP$ nautical_JJ skill_NN ,_, which_WDT made_VBD it_PRP the_DT Phoenicia_NNP of_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP ,_, was_VBD instrumental_JJ in_IN the_DT dissemination_NN of_IN Buddhism_NNP throughout_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP and_CC continental_JJ culture_NN to_IN Japan_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 57_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 58_CD ]_-RRB- Historic_JJ evidence_NN suggests_VBZ that_IN Japanese_JJ culture_NN ,_, art_NN ,_, and_CC language_NN were_VBD influenced_VBN by_IN the_DT kingdom_NN of_IN Baekje_NNP and_CC Korea_NNP itself_PRP ;_: [_-LRB- 31_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 59_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 60_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 61_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 62_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 63_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 64_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 65_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 66_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 67_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 68_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 69_CD ]_-RRB- Baekje_NNP also_RB played_VBD an_DT important_JJ role_NN in_IN transmitting_VBG advanced_JJ Chinese_JJ culture_NN to_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ archipelago_NN ._. Baekje_NNP was_VBD once_RB a_DT great_JJ military_JJ power_NN on_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, most_RBS notably_RB in_IN the_DT 4th_JJ century_NN during_IN the_DT rule_NN of_IN Geunchogo_NNP when_WRB its_PRP$ influence_NN extended_VBD across_IN the_DT sea_NN to_IN Liaoxi_NNP and_CC Shandong_NNP in_IN China_NNP ,_, taking_VBG advantage_NN of_IN the_DT weakened_JJ state_NN of_IN Former_JJ Qin_NNP ,_, and_CC Kyushu_NNP in_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ archipelago_NN ;_: [_-LRB- 70_CD ]_-RRB- however_RB ,_, Baekje_NNP was_VBD critically_RB defeated_VBN by_IN Gwanggaeto_NNP the_DT Great_NNP and_CC declined_VBD ._. [_-LRB- citation_NN needed_VBN ]_-RRB- Although_IN later_JJ records_NNS claim_VBP that_IN Silla_NNP was_VBD the_DT oldest_JJS of_IN the_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP ,_, it_PRP is_VBZ now_RB believed_VBN to_TO have_VB been_VBN the_DT last_JJ kingdom_NN to_TO develop_VB ._. By_IN the_DT 2nd_JJ century_NN ,_, Silla_NNP existed_VBD as_IN a_DT large_JJ state_NN in_IN the_DT southeast_NN ,_, occupying_VBG and_CC influencing_VBG its_PRP$ neighboring_NN city_NN -_HYPH states_NNS ._. In_IN 562_CD ,_, Silla_NNP annexed_VBD the_DT Gaya_NNP confederacy_NN ,_, which_WDT was_VBD located_VBN between_IN Baekje_NNP and_CC Silla_NNP ._. The_DT Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP often_RB warred_VBD with_IN each_DT other_JJ and_CC Silla_NNP was_VBD often_RB dominated_VBN by_IN Baekje_NNP and_CC Goguryeo_NNP ._. Silla_NNP was_VBD the_DT smallest_JJS and_CC weakest_JJS of_IN the_DT three_CD ,_, but_CC it_PRP used_VBD cunning_JJ diplomatic_JJ means_NNS to_TO make_VB opportunistic_JJ pacts_NNS and_CC alliances_NNS with_IN the_DT more_RBR powerful_JJ Korean_JJ kingdoms_NNS ,_, and_CC eventually_RB Tang_NNP China_NNP ,_, to_IN its_PRP$ great_JJ advantage_NN ._. [_-LRB- 71_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 72_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 660_CD ,_, King_NNP Muyeol_NNP ordered_VBD his_PRP$ armies_NNS to_TO attack_VB Baekje_NNP ._. General_NNP Kim_NNP Yu_NNP -_HYPH shin_NN ,_, aided_VBN by_IN Tang_NNP forces_NNS ,_, conquered_VBD Baekje_NNP after_IN defeating_VBG General_NNP Gyebaek_NNP at_IN the_DT Battle_NN of_IN Hwangsanbeol_NNP ._. In_IN 661_CD ,_, Silla_NNP and_CC Tang_NNP attacked_VBD Goguryeo_NNP but_CC were_VBD repelled_VBN ._. King_NNP Munmu_NNP ,_, son_NN of_IN Muyeol_NNP and_CC nephew_NN of_IN General_NNP Kim_NNP Yu_NNP -_HYPH shin_NN ,_, launched_VBD another_DT campaign_NN in_IN 667_CD and_CC Goguryeo_NNP fell_VBD in_IN the_DT following_JJ year_NN ._. Beginning_VBG in_IN the_DT 6th_JJ century_NN ,_, Silla_NNP 's_POS power_NN gradually_RB extended_VBD across_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. Silla_NNP first_RB annexed_VBD the_DT adjacent_JJ Gaya_NNP confederacy_NN in_IN 562_CD ._. By_IN the_DT 640s_NNS ,_, Silla_NNP formed_VBD an_DT alliance_NN with_IN the_DT Tang_NNP dynasty_NN of_IN China_NNP to_TO conquer_VB Baekje_NNP and_CC later_RB Goguryeo_NNP ._. After_IN conquering_VBG Baekje_NNP and_CC Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Silla_NNP repulsed_VBD Tang_NNP China_NNP from_IN the_DT Korean_JJ peninsula_NN in_IN 676_CD ._. Even_RB though_IN Silla_NNP unified_VBD most_JJS of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, most_JJS of_IN the_DT Goguryeo_NNP territories_NNS to_IN the_DT north_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP were_VBD ruled_VBN by_IN Balhae_NNP ._. Former_JJ Goguryeo_NNP general_NN [_-LRB- 73_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 74_CD ]_-RRB- or_CC chief_NN of_IN Sumo_NNP Mohe_NNP [_-LRB- 75_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 76_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 77_CD ]_-RRB- Dae_NNP Jo_NNP -_HYPH yeong_NNP led_VBD a_DT group_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP and_CC Mohe_NNP refugees_NNS to_IN the_DT Jilin_NNP and_CC founded_VBD the_DT kingdom_NN of_IN Balhae_NNP ,_, 30_CD years_NNS after_IN the_DT collapse_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, as_IN the_DT successor_NN to_TO Goguryeo_NNP ._. At_IN its_PRP$ height_NN ,_, Balhae_NNP 's_POS territories_NNS extended_VBD from_IN southern_JJ Manchuria_NNP down_RB to_IN the_DT northern_JJ Korean_JJ peninsula_NN ._. Balhae_NNP was_VBD called_VBN the_DT "_`` Prosperous_JJ Country_NN in_IN the_DT East_NNP "_'' ._. [_-LRB- 78_CD ]_-RRB- Later_RBR Silla_NNP carried_VBD on_IN the_DT maritime_JJ prowess_NN of_IN Baekje_NNP ,_, which_WDT acted_VBD like_IN the_DT Phoenicia_NNP of_IN medieval_JJ East_NNP Asia_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 79_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC during_IN the_DT 8th_NN and_CC 9th_JJ centuries_NNS dominated_VBD the_DT seas_NNS of_IN East_NNP Asia_NNP and_CC the_DT trade_NN between_IN China_NNP ,_, Korea_NNP and_CC Japan_NNP ,_, most_RBS notably_RB during_IN the_DT time_NN of_IN Jang_NNP Bogo_NNP ;_: in_IN addition_NN ,_, Silla_NNP people_NNS made_VBD overseas_JJ communities_NNS in_IN China_NNP on_IN the_DT Shandong_NNP Peninsula_NNP and_CC the_DT mouth_NN of_IN the_DT Yangtze_NNP River_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 80_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 81_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 82_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 83_CD ]_-RRB- Later_RBR Silla_NNP was_VBD a_DT prosperous_JJ and_CC wealthy_JJ country_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 84_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC its_PRP$ metropolitan_JJ capital_NN of_IN Gyeongju_NNP [_-LRB- 85_CD ]_-RRB- was_VBD the_DT fourth_JJ largest_JJS city_NN in_IN the_DT world_NN ._. [_-LRB- 86_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 87_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 88_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 89_CD ]_-RRB- Later_RBR Silla_NNP was_VBD a_DT golden_JJ age_NN of_IN art_NN and_CC culture_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 90_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 91_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 92_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 93_CD ]_-RRB- as_IN evidenced_VBN by_IN the_DT Hwangnyongsa_NNP ,_, Seokguram_NNP ,_, and_CC Emille_NNP Bell_NNP ._. Buddhism_NNP flourished_VBD during_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, and_CC many_JJ Korean_JJ Buddhists_NNPS gained_VBD great_JJ fame_NN among_IN Chinese_JJ Buddhists_NNPS [_-LRB- 94_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC contributed_VBD to_IN Chinese_NNP Buddhism_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 95_CD ]_-RRB- including_VBG :_: Woncheuk_NNP ,_, Wonhyo_NNP ,_, Uisang_NNP ,_, Musang_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 96_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 97_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 98_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 99_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC Kim_NNP Gyo_NNP -_HYPH gak_NNP ,_, a_DT Silla_NNP prince_NNP whose_WP$ influence_NN made_VBD Mount_NNP Jiuhua_NNP one_CD of_IN the_DT Four_CD Sacred_NNP Mountains_NNPS of_IN Chinese_NNP Buddhism_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 100_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 101_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 102_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 103_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 104_CD ]_-RRB- Later_RBR Silla_NNP fell_VBD apart_RB in_IN the_DT late_JJ 9th_JJ century_NN ,_, giving_VBG way_NN to_IN the_DT tumultuous_JJ Later_RBR Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS period_NN (_-LRB- 892_CD –_SYM 935_CD )_-RRB- ,_, and_CC Balhae_NNP was_VBD destroyed_VBN by_IN the_DT Khitans_NNPS in_IN 926_CD ._. Goryeo_NNP unified_VBD the_DT Later_JJ Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS and_CC received_VBD the_DT last_JJ crown_NN prince_NN and_CC much_JJ of_IN the_DT ruling_NN class_NN of_IN Balhae_NNP ,_, thus_RB bringing_VBG about_RB a_DT unification_NN of_IN the_DT two_CD successor_NN nations_NNS of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 105_CD ]_-RRB- Goryeo_NNP was_VBD founded_VBN in_IN 918_CD and_CC replaced_VBD Silla_NNP as_IN the_DT ruling_NN dynasty_NN of_IN Korea_NNP ._. Goryeo_NNP 's_POS land_NN was_VBD at_IN first_RB what_WP is_VBZ now_RB South_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC about_IN 1/3_CD of_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, but_CC later_RB on_IN managed_VBN to_TO recover_VB most_JJS of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ peninsula_NN ._. Momentarily_RB ,_, Goryeo_NNP advanced_VBD to_IN parts_NNS of_IN Jiandao_NNP while_IN conquering_VBG the_DT Jurchens_NNPS ,_, but_CC returned_VBD the_DT territories_NNS due_IN to_IN the_DT harsh_JJ climate_NN and_CC difficulties_NNS in_IN defending_VBG them_PRP ._. The_DT name_NN "_`` Goryeo_NNP "_'' (_-LRB- 高麗_FW )_-RRB- is_VBZ a_DT short_JJ form_NN of_IN "_`` Goguryeo_NNP "_'' (_-LRB- 高句麗_FW )_-RRB- and_CC was_VBD first_RB used_VBN during_IN the_DT time_NN of_IN King_NNP Jangsu_NNP ._. Goryeo_NNP regarded_VBD itself_PRP as_IN the_DT successor_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, hence_RB its_PRP$ name_NN and_CC efforts_NNS to_TO recover_VB the_DT former_JJ territories_NNS of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 106_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 107_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 108_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 109_CD ]_-RRB- Wang_NNP Geon_NNP ,_, the_DT founder_NN of_IN Goryeo_NNP ,_, was_VBD of_IN Goguryeo_NNP descent_NN and_CC traced_VBD his_PRP$ ancestry_NN to_IN a_DT noble_JJ Goguryeo_NNP clan_NN ._. [_-LRB- 110_CD ]_-RRB- He_PRP made_VBD Kaesong_NNP ,_, his_PRP$ hometown_NN ,_, the_DT capital_NN ._. During_IN this_DT period_NN ,_, laws_NNS were_VBD codified_VBN and_CC a_DT civil_JJ service_NN system_NN was_VBD introduced_VBN ._. Buddhism_NNP flourished_VBD and_CC spread_VBD throughout_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ._. The_DT development_NN of_IN celadon_NN industries_NNS flourished_VBD in_IN the_DT 12th_NN and_CC 13th_NN centuries_NNS ._. The_DT publication_NN of_IN the_DT Tripitaka_NNP Koreana_NNP onto_IN more_JJR than_IN 80,000_CD wooden_JJ blocks_NNS and_CC the_DT invention_NN of_IN the_DT world_NN 's_POS first_JJ metal_NN movable_JJ type_NN in_IN the_DT 13th_JJ century_NN attest_VB to_TO Goryeo_NNP 's_POS cultural_JJ achievements_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 3_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 4_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 5_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 6_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 7_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 8_CD ]_-RRB- Goryeo_NNP had_VBD to_TO defend_VB frequently_RB against_IN attacks_NNS by_IN nomadic_JJ empires_NNS ,_, especially_RB the_DT Khitans_NNPS and_CC the_DT Mongols_NNPS ._. Goryeo_NNP had_VBD a_DT hostile_JJ relationship_NN with_IN the_DT Khitans_NNPS ,_, because_IN the_DT Khitan_NNP Empire_NNP had_VBD destroyed_VBN Balhae_NNP ,_, also_RB a_DT successor_NN state_NN of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ._. In_IN 993_CD ,_, the_DT Khitans_NNPS ,_, who_WP had_VBD established_VBN the_DT Liao_NNP dynasty_NN in_IN 907_CD ,_, invaded_VBD Goryeo_NNP ,_, demanding_VBG that_IN it_PRP make_VBP amity_NN with_IN them_PRP ._. Goryeo_NNP sent_VBD the_DT diplomat_NN Seo_NNP Hui_NNP to_TO negotiate_VB ,_, who_WP successfully_RB persuaded_VBD the_DT Khitans_NNPS to_TO let_VB Goryeo_NNP expand_VB to_IN the_DT banks_NNS of_IN the_DT Amnok_NNP (_-LRB- Yalu_NNP )_-RRB- River_NNP ,_, citing_VBG that_IN in_IN the_DT past_NN the_DT land_NN belonged_VBD to_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, the_DT predecessor_NN of_IN Goryeo_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 111_CD ]_-RRB- During_IN the_DT Goryeo_NNP –_HYPH Khitan_NNP War_NNP ,_, the_DT Khitan_NNP Empire_NNP invaded_VBD Korea_NNP twice_RB more_RBR in_IN 1009_CD and_CC 1018_CD ,_, but_CC was_VBD defeated_VBN ._. After_IN defeating_VBG the_DT Khitan_NNP Empire_NNP ,_, which_WDT was_VBD the_DT most_RBS powerful_JJ empire_NN of_IN its_PRP$ time_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 112_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 113_CD ]_-RRB- Goryeo_NNP experienced_VBD a_DT golden_JJ age_NN that_WDT lasted_VBD a_DT century_NN ,_, during_IN which_WDT the_DT Tripitaka_NNP Koreana_NNP was_VBD completed_VBN ,_, and_CC there_EX were_VBD great_JJ developments_NNS in_IN printing_NN and_CC publishing_NN ,_, promoting_VBG learning_NN and_CC dispersing_VBG knowledge_NN on_IN philosophy_NN ,_, literature_NN ,_, religion_NN ,_, and_CC science_NN ;_: by_IN 1100_CD ,_, there_EX were_VBD 12_CD universities_NNS that_WDT produced_VBD famous_JJ scholars_NNS and_CC scientists_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 114_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 115_CD ]_-RRB- Goryeo_NNP was_VBD invaded_VBN by_IN the_DT Mongols_NNPS in_IN seven_CD major_JJ campaigns_NNS from_IN the_DT 1230s_NNS until_IN the_DT 1270s_NNS ,_, but_CC was_VBD never_RB conquered_VBN ._. [_-LRB- 116_CD ]_-RRB- Exhausted_JJ after_IN decades_NNS of_IN fighting_NN ,_, Goryeo_NNP sent_VBD its_PRP$ crown_NN prince_NN to_IN the_DT Yuan_JJ capital_NN to_TO swear_VB allegiance_NN to_IN the_DT Mongols_NNPS ;_: Kublai_NNP Khan_NNP accepted_VBD ,_, and_CC married_VBD one_CD of_IN his_PRP$ daughters_NNS to_IN the_DT Korean_JJ crown_NN prince_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 116_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC the_DT dynastic_JJ line_NN of_IN Goryeo_NNP continued_VBD to_TO survive_VB under_IN the_DT overlordship_NN of_IN the_DT Mongol_NNP Yuan_NNP dynasty_NN as_IN a_DT semi-autonomous_JJ vassal_JJ state_NN and_CC compulsory_JJ ally_NN ._. The_DT two_CD nations_NNS became_VBD intertwined_JJ for_IN 80_CD years_NNS as_IN all_DT subsequent_JJ Korean_JJ kings_NNS married_VBN Mongol_NNP princesses_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 116_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC the_DT last_JJ empress_NN of_IN the_DT Yuan_NNP dynasty_NN was_VBD a_DT Korean_JJ princess_NN ._. [_-LRB- citation_NN needed_VBN ]_-RRB- In_IN the_DT 1350s_NNS ,_, King_NNP Gongmin_NNP was_VBD free_JJ at_IN last_JJ to_TO reform_VB the_DT Goryeo_NNP government_NN when_WRB the_DT Yuan_NNP dynasty_NN began_VBD to_TO crumble_VB ._. Gongmin_NNP had_VBD various_JJ problems_NNS that_WDT needed_VBD to_TO be_VB dealt_VBN with_IN ,_, which_WDT included_VBD the_DT removal_NN of_IN pro-Mongol_JJ aristocrats_NNS and_CC military_JJ officials_NNS ,_, the_DT question_NN of_IN land_NN holding_NN ,_, and_CC quelling_VBG the_DT growing_VBG animosity_NN between_IN the_DT Buddhists_NNPS and_CC Confucian_JJ scholars_NNS ._. During_IN this_DT tumultuous_JJ period_NN ,_, Goryeo_NNP momentarily_RB conquered_VBD Liaoyang_NNP in_IN 1356_CD ,_, repulsed_VBD two_CD large_JJ invasions_NNS by_IN the_DT Red_NNP Turbans_NNPS in_IN 1359_CD and_CC 1360_CD ,_, and_CC defeated_VBD the_DT final_JJ attempt_NN by_IN the_DT Yuan_NNP to_TO dominate_VB Goryeo_NNP when_WRB General_NNP Choe_NNP Yeong_NNP defeated_VBD a_DT Mongol_NNP tumen_NN in_IN 1364_CD ._. During_IN the_DT 1380s_NNS ,_, Goryeo_NNP turned_VBD its_PRP$ attention_NN to_IN the_DT Wokou_NNP threat_NN and_CC used_VBN naval_JJ artillery_NN created_VBN by_IN Choe_NNP Museon_NNP to_TO annihilate_VB hundreds_NNS of_IN pirate_NN ships_NNS ._. In_IN 1392_CD ,_, the_DT general_JJ Yi_NNP Seong_NNP -_HYPH gye_NNP overthrew_VBD the_DT Goryeo_NNP dynasty_NN after_IN he_PRP staged_VBD a_DT coup_NN and_CC defeated_VBD General_NNP Choe_NNP Yeong_NNP ._. Yi_NNP Seong_NNP -_HYPH gye_NNP named_VBD his_PRP$ new_JJ dynasty_NN Joseon_NNP and_CC moved_VBD the_DT capital_NN from_IN Kaesong_NNP to_TO Hanseong_NNP (_-LRB- formerly_RB Hanyang_NNP ;_: modern_JJ -_HYPH day_NN Seoul_NNP )_-RRB- and_CC built_VBD the_DT Gyeongbokgung_NNP palace_NN ._. [_-LRB- 117_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 1394_CD ,_, he_PRP adopted_VBD Confucianism_NNP as_IN the_DT country_NN 's_POS official_JJ ideology_NN ,_, resulting_VBG in_IN much_JJ loss_NN of_IN power_NN and_CC wealth_NN by_IN the_DT Buddhists_NNPS ._. The_DT prevailing_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP dynasty_NN was_VBD Neo-Confucianism_NNP ,_, which_WDT was_VBD epitomized_VBN by_IN the_DT seonbi_NN class_NN ,_, scholars_NNS who_WP passed_VBD up_RP positions_NNS of_IN wealth_NN and_CC power_NN to_TO lead_VB lives_NNS of_IN study_NN and_CC integrity_NN ._. Joseon_NNP was_VBD a_DT nominal_JJ tributary_JJ state_NN of_IN China_NNP but_CC exercised_VBD full_JJ sovereignty_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 118_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 119_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC maintained_VBD the_DT highest_JJS position_NN among_IN China_NNP 's_POS tributary_JJ states_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 120_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 121_CD ]_-RRB- which_WDT also_RB included_VBD countries_NNS such_JJ as_IN the_DT Ryukyu_NNP Kingdom_NNP ,_, Vietnam_NNP ,_, Burma_NNP ,_, Brunei_NNP ,_, Laos_NNP ,_, Thailand_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 122_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 123_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 124_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC the_DT Philippines_NNPS ,_, among_IN others_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 125_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 126_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN addition_NN ,_, Joseon_NNP received_VBD tribute_NN from_IN Jurchens_NNP and_CC Japanese_NNP until_IN the_DT 17th_JJ century_NN ,_, [_-LRB- 127_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 128_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 129_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC had_VBD a_DT small_JJ enclave_NN in_IN the_DT Ryukyu_NNP Kingdom_NNP that_WDT engaged_VBD in_IN trade_NN with_IN Siam_NNP and_CC Java_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 130_CD ]_-RRB- During_IN the_DT 15th_NN and_CC 16th_JJ centuries_NNS ,_, Joseon_NNP enjoyed_VBD many_JJ benevolent_JJ rulers_NNS who_WP promoted_VBD education_NN and_CC science_NN ._. [_-LRB- 131_CD ]_-RRB- Most_RBS notable_JJ among_IN them_PRP was_VBD Sejong_NNP the_DT Great_NNP (_-LRB- r._NN 1418_CD –_SYM 50_CD )_-RRB- ,_, who_WP personally_RB created_VBD and_CC promulgated_VBD Hangul_NNP ,_, the_DT Korean_JJ alphabet_NN ._. [_-LRB- 132_CD ]_-RRB- This_DT golden_JJ age_NN [_-LRB- 131_CD ]_-RRB- saw_VBD great_JJ cultural_JJ and_CC scientific_JJ advancements_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 133_CD ]_-RRB- including_VBG in_IN printing_NN ,_, meteorological_JJ observation_NN ,_, astronomy_NN ,_, calendar_NN science_NN ,_, ceramics_NNS ,_, military_JJ technology_NN ,_, geography_NN ,_, cartography_NN ,_, medicine_NN ,_, and_CC agricultural_JJ technology_NN ,_, some_DT of_IN which_WDT were_VBD unrivaled_JJ elsewhere_RB ._. [_-LRB- 134_CD ]_-RRB- Joseon_NNP implemented_VBD a_DT class_NN system_NN that_WDT consisted_VBD of_IN yangban_NNP the_DT noble_JJ class_NN ,_, jungin_NN the_DT middle_JJ class_NN ,_, yangin_NN the_DT common_JJ class_NN ,_, and_CC cheonin_NN the_DT lowest_JJS class_NN ,_, which_WDT included_VBD occupations_NNS such_JJ as_IN butchers_NNS ,_, tanners_NNS ,_, shamans_NNS ,_, entertainers_NNS ,_, and_CC nobi_NN ,_, the_DT equivalent_NN of_IN slaves_NNS ,_, bondservants_NNS ,_, or_CC serfs_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 135_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 136_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 1592_CD and_CC again_RB in_IN 1597_CD ,_, the_DT Japanese_JJ invaded_JJ Korea_NN ;_: the_DT Korean_JJ military_NN at_IN the_DT time_NN was_VBD unprepared_JJ and_CC untrained_JJ ,_, due_JJ to_IN two_CD centuries_NNS of_IN peace_NN on_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 137_CD ]_-RRB- Toyotomi_NNP Hideyoshi_NNP intended_VBD to_TO conquer_VB China_NNP and_CC India_NNP [_-LRB- 138_CD ]_-RRB- through_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, but_CC was_VBD defeated_VBN by_IN strong_JJ resistance_NN from_IN the_DT Righteous_NNP Army_NNP ,_, the_DT naval_JJ superiority_NN of_IN Admiral_NNP Yi_NNP Sun_NNP -_HYPH sin_NN and_CC his_PRP$ turtle_NN ships_NNS ,_, and_CC assistance_NN from_IN Wanli_NNP Emperor_NNP of_IN Ming_NNP China_NNP ._. However_RB ,_, Joseon_NNP experienced_VBD great_JJ destruction_NN ,_, including_VBG a_DT tremendous_JJ loss_NN of_IN cultural_JJ sites_NNS such_JJ as_IN temples_NNS and_CC palaces_NNS to_IN Japanese_JJ pillaging_NN ,_, and_CC the_DT Japanese_JJ brought_VBN back_RB to_IN Japan_NNP an_DT estimated_VBN 100,000_CD –_SYM 200,000_CD noses_NNS cut_VBN from_IN Korean_JJ victims_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 139_CD ]_-RRB- Less_JJR than_IN 30_CD years_NNS after_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ invasions_NNS ,_, the_DT Manchus_NNPS took_VBD advantage_NN of_IN Joseon_NNP 's_POS war_NN -_HYPH weakened_VBN state_NN and_CC invaded_VBD in_IN 1627_CD and_CC 1637_CD ,_, and_CC then_RB went_VBD on_IN to_TO conquer_VB the_DT destabilized_VBN Ming_NNP dynasty_NN ._. After_IN normalizing_VBG relations_NNS with_IN the_DT new_JJ Qing_NNP dynasty_NN ,_, Joseon_NNP experienced_VBD a_DT nearly_RB 200_CD -_HYPH year_NN period_NN of_IN peace_NN ._. Kings_NNS Yeongjo_NNP and_CC Jeongjo_NNP led_VBD a_DT new_JJ renaissance_NN of_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP dynasty_NN during_IN the_DT 18th_JJ century_NN ._. [_-LRB- 140_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 141_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN the_DT 19th_JJ century_NN ,_, the_DT royal_NN in_IN -_HYPH law_NN families_NNS gained_VBD control_NN of_IN the_DT government_NN ,_, leading_VBG to_IN mass_NN corruption_NN and_CC weakening_NN of_IN the_DT state_NN ,_, with_IN severe_JJ poverty_NN and_CC peasant_NN rebellions_NNS spreading_VBG throughout_IN the_DT country_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, the_DT Joseon_NNP government_NN adopted_VBD a_DT strict_JJ isolationist_JJ policy_NN ,_, earning_VBG the_DT nickname_NN "_`` the_DT hermit_JJ kingdom_NN "_'' ,_, but_CC ultimately_RB failed_VBD to_TO protect_VB itself_PRP against_IN imperialism_NN and_CC was_VBD forced_VBN to_TO open_VB its_PRP$ borders_NNS ,_, beginning_VBG an_DT era_NN leading_VBG into_IN Japanese_JJ imperial_JJ rule_NN ._. Beginning_VBG in_IN 1871_CD ,_, Japan_NNP began_VBD to_TO exert_VB more_JJR influence_NN in_IN Korea_NNP ,_, forcing_VBG it_PRP out_IN of_IN China_NNP 's_POS traditional_JJ sphere_NN of_IN influence_NN ._. As_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN the_DT Sino_JJ -_HYPH Japanese_JJ War_NNP (_-LRB- 1894_CD –_SYM 95_CD )_-RRB- ,_, the_DT Qing_NNP dynasty_NN had_VBD to_TO give_VB up_RP such_PDT a_DT position_NN according_VBG to_IN Article_NN 1_CD of_IN the_DT Treaty_NNP of_IN Shimonoseki_NNP ,_, which_WDT was_VBD concluded_VBN between_IN China_NNP and_CC Japan_NNP in_IN 1895_CD ._. That_DT same_JJ year_NN ,_, Empress_NNP Myeongseong_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP was_VBD assassinated_VBN by_IN Japanese_JJ agents_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 142_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 1897_CD ,_, the_DT Joseon_NNP dynasty_NN proclaimed_VBD the_DT Korean_JJ Empire_NN (_-LRB- 1897_CD –_SYM 1910_CD )_-RRB- ._. King_NNP Gojong_NNP became_VBD emperor_NN ._. During_IN this_DT brief_JJ period_NN ,_, Korea_NNP had_VBD some_DT success_NN in_IN modernizing_VBG the_DT military_NN ,_, economy_NN ,_, real_JJ property_NN laws_NNS ,_, education_NN system_NN ,_, and_CC various_JJ industries_NNS ._. Russia_NNP ,_, Japan_NNP ,_, France_NNP ,_, and_CC the_DT United_NNP States_NNP all_DT invested_VBN in_IN the_DT country_NN and_CC sought_VBD to_TO influence_VB it_PRP politically_RB ._. In_IN 1904_CD ,_, the_DT Russo_NNP -_HYPH Japanese_NNP War_NNP pushed_VBD the_DT Russians_NNPS out_IN of_IN the_DT fight_NN for_IN Korea_NNP ._. In_IN Manchuria_NNP on_IN 26_CD October_NNP 1909_CD ,_, An_DT Jung_NNP -_HYPH geun_NNP assassinated_VBD the_DT former_JJ Resident_NNP -_HYPH General_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP ,_, Itō_NNP Hirobumi_NNP ,_, for_IN his_PRP$ role_NN in_IN trying_VBG to_TO force_VB Korea_NNP into_IN occupation_NN ._. In_IN 1910_CD ,_, an_DT already_RB militarily_RB occupied_VBN Korea_NNP was_VBD a_DT forced_VBN party_NN to_IN the_DT Japan_NNP –_HYPH Korea_NNP Annexation_NNP Treaty_NNP ._. The_DT treaty_NN was_VBD signed_VBN by_IN Lee_NNP Wan_NNP -_HYPH Yong_NNP ,_, who_WP was_VBD given_VBN the_DT General_NNP Power_NNP of_IN Attorney_NNP by_IN the_DT Emperor_NNP ._. However_RB ,_, the_DT Emperor_NNP is_VBZ said_VBN to_TO have_VB not_RB actually_RB ratified_VBD the_DT treaty_NN according_VBG to_IN Yi_NNP Tae_NNP -_HYPH jin_NN ._. [_-LRB- 143_CD ]_-RRB- There_EX is_VBZ a_DT long_JJ dispute_NN whether_IN this_DT treaty_NN was_VBD legal_JJ or_CC illegal_JJ due_JJ to_IN its_PRP$ signing_NN under_IN duress_NN ,_, threat_NN of_IN force_NN and_CC bribes_NNS ._. Korean_JJ resistance_NN to_IN the_DT brutal_JJ Japanese_JJ occupation_NN [_-LRB- 144_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 145_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 146_CD ]_-RRB- was_VBD manifested_VBN in_IN the_DT nonviolent_JJ March_NNP 1st_NNP Movement_NNP of_IN 1919_CD ,_, during_IN which_WDT 7,000_CD demonstrators_NNS were_VBD killed_VBN by_IN Japanese_JJ police_NNS and_CC military_NN ._. [_-LRB- 147_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT Korean_JJ liberation_NN movement_NN also_RB spread_VBD to_IN neighbouring_VBG Manchuria_NNP and_CC Siberia_NNP ._. Over_IN five_CD million_CD Koreans_NNPS were_VBD conscripted_VBN for_IN labour_NN beginning_NN in_IN 1939_CD ,_, [_-LRB- 148_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC tens_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN men_NNS were_VBD forced_VBN into_IN Japan_NNP 's_POS military_NN ._. [_-LRB- 149_CD ]_-RRB- Nearly_RB 400,000_CD Korean_JJ labourers_NNS died_VBD ._. [_-LRB- 150_CD ]_-RRB- Approximately_RB 200,000_CD girls_NNS and_CC women_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 151_CD ]_-RRB- mostly_RB from_IN China_NNP and_CC Korea_NNP ,_, were_VBD forced_VBN into_IN sexual_JJ slavery_NN for_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ military_NN ._. [_-LRB- 152_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 1993_CD ,_, Japanese_JJ Chief_NNP Cabinet_NNP Secretary_NNP Yohei_NNP Kono_NNP acknowledged_VBD the_DT terrible_JJ injustices_NNS faced_VBN by_IN these_DT euphemistically_RB named_VBN "_`` comfort_NN women_NNS "_'' ._. [_-LRB- 153_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 154_CD ]_-RRB- During_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ annexation_NN ,_, the_DT Korean_JJ language_NN was_VBD suppressed_VBN in_IN an_DT effort_NN to_TO eradicate_VB Korean_JJ national_JJ identity_NN ._. Koreans_NNPS were_VBD forced_VBN to_TO take_VB Japanese_JJ surnames_NNS ,_, known_VBN as_IN Sōshi_NNP -_HYPH kaimei_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 155_CD ]_-RRB- Traditional_JJ Korean_JJ culture_NN suffered_VBD heavy_JJ losses_NNS ,_, as_IN numerous_JJ Korean_JJ cultural_JJ artifacts_NNS were_VBD destroyed_VBN [_-LRB- 156_CD ]_-RRB- or_CC taken_VBN to_IN Japan_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 157_CD ]_-RRB- To_TO this_DT day_NN ,_, valuable_JJ Korean_JJ artifacts_NNS can_MD often_RB be_VB found_VBN in_IN Japanese_JJ museums_NNS or_CC among_IN private_JJ collections_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 158_CD ]_-RRB- One_CD investigation_NN by_IN the_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ government_NN identified_VBD 75,311_CD cultural_JJ assets_NNS that_WDT were_VBD taken_VBN from_IN Korea_NNP ,_, 34,369_CD in_IN Japan_NNP and_CC 17,803_CD in_IN the_DT United_NNP States_NNP ._. However_RB ,_, experts_NNS estimate_VBP that_IN over_IN 100,000_CD artifacts_NNS actually_RB remain_VBP in_IN Japan_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 157_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 159_CD ]_-RRB- Japanese_JJ officials_NNS considered_VBN returning_VBG Korean_JJ cultural_JJ properties_NNS ,_, but_CC to_IN date_NN [_-LRB- 157_CD ]_-RRB- this_DT has_VBZ not_RB occurred_VBN ._. [_-LRB- 159_CD ]_-RRB- Korea_NNP and_CC Japan_NNP still_RB dispute_VBP the_DT ownership_NN of_IN the_DT Dokdo_NNP islets_NNS ,_, located_VBN east_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 160_CD ]_-RRB- There_EX was_VBD significant_JJ emigration_NN to_IN the_DT overseas_JJ territories_NNS of_IN the_DT Empire_NN of_IN Japan_NNP during_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ occupation_NN period_NN ,_, including_VBG Korea_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 161_CD ]_-RRB- By_IN the_DT end_NN of_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP ,_, there_EX were_VBD over_IN 850,000_CD Japanese_JJ settlers_NNS in_IN Korea_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 162_CD ]_-RRB- After_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP ,_, most_JJS of_IN these_DT overseas_JJ Japanese_JJ repatriated_VBN to_IN Japan_NNP ._. [_-LRB- citation_NN needed_VBN ]_-RRB- Migrants_NNPS who_WP remained_VBD squatted_VBN in_IN informal_JJ settlements_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 163_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN 1945_CD ,_, with_IN the_DT surrender_NN of_IN Japan_NNP ,_, the_DT United_NNP Nations_NNP developed_VBD plans_NNS for_IN a_DT trusteeship_NN administration_NN ,_, the_DT Soviet_NNP Union_NNP administering_VBG the_DT peninsula_NN north_NN of_IN the_DT 38th_JJ parallel_NN and_CC the_DT United_NNP States_NNP administering_VBG the_DT south_NN ._. The_DT politics_NNS of_IN the_DT Cold_NNP War_NNP resulted_VBD in_IN the_DT 1948_CD establishment_NN of_IN two_CD separate_JJ governments_NNS ,_, North_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. The_DT aftermath_NN of_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP left_VBD Korea_NNP partitioned_VBN along_IN the_DT 38th_JJ parallel_NN ,_, with_IN the_DT north_NN under_IN Soviet_JJ occupation_NN and_CC the_DT south_NN under_IN US_NNP occupation_NN supported_VBN by_IN other_JJ allied_JJ states_NNS ._. Consequently_RB ,_, North_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, a_DT Soviet_JJ -_HYPH style_NN socialist_JJ republic_NN was_VBD established_VBN in_IN the_DT north_NN and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ;_: a_DT Western_JJ -_HYPH style_NN regime_NN ,_, was_VBD established_VBN in_IN the_DT South_NNP ._. North_NNP Korea_NNP is_VBZ a_DT one_CD -_HYPH party_NN state_NN ,_, now_RB centred_VBN on_IN Kim_NNP Il_NNP -_HYPH sung_NNP 's_POS Juche_NNP ideology_NN ,_, with_IN a_DT centrally_RB planned_VBN industrial_JJ economy_NN ._. South_NNP Korea_NNP is_VBZ a_DT multi-party_JJ state_NN with_IN a_DT capitalist_JJ market_NN economy_NN ,_, alongside_IN membership_NN in_IN the_DT Organisation_NNP for_IN Economic_NNP Co-operation_NNP and_CC Development_NNP and_CC the_DT Group_NNP of_IN Twenty_CD ._. The_DT two_CD states_NNS have_VBP greatly_RB diverged_VBN both_DT culturally_RB and_CC economically_RB since_IN their_PRP$ partition_NN ,_, though_IN they_PRP still_RB share_VBP a_DT common_JJ traditional_JJ culture_NN and_CC pre-Cold_JJ War_NN history_NN ._. Since_IN the_DT 1960s_NNS ,_, the_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ economy_NN has_VBZ grown_VBN enormously_RB and_CC the_DT economic_JJ structure_NN was_VBD radically_RB transformed_VBN ._. In_IN 1957_CD ,_, South_NNP Korea_NNP had_VBD a_DT lower_JJR per_IN capita_NN GDP_NN than_IN Ghana_NNP ,_, [_-LRB- 164_CD ]_-RRB- and_CC by_IN 2008_CD it_PRP was_VBD 17_CD times_NNS as_IN high_JJ as_IN Ghana_NNP 's_POS ._. [_-LRB- a_DT ]_-RRB- According_VBG to_IN R._NNP J._NNP Rummel_NNP ,_, forced_VBN labor_NN ,_, executions_NNS ,_, and_CC concentration_NN camps_NNS were_VBD responsible_JJ for_IN over_IN one_CD million_CD deaths_NNS in_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP from_IN 1948_CD to_IN 1987_CD ;_: [_-LRB- 166_CD ]_-RRB- others_NNS have_VBP estimated_VBN 400,000_CD deaths_NNS in_IN concentration_NN camps_NNS alone_RB ._. [_-LRB- 167_CD ]_-RRB- Estimates_NNS based_VBN on_IN the_DT most_RBS recent_JJ North_JJ Korean_JJ census_NN suggest_VBP that_IN 240,000_CD to_IN 420,000_CD people_NNS died_VBD as_IN a_DT result_NN of_IN the_DT 1990s_CD famine_NN and_CC that_IN there_EX were_VBD 600,000_CD to_IN 850,000_CD unnatural_JJ deaths_NNS in_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP from_IN 1993_CD to_IN 2008_CD ._. [_-LRB- 168_CD ]_-RRB- In_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, as_IN guerrilla_NN activities_NNS expanded_VBN ,_, the_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ government_NN used_VBD strong_JJ measures_NNS against_IN peasants_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_IN forcefully_RB moving_VBG their_PRP$ families_NNS from_IN guerrilla_NN areas_NNS ._. According_VBG to_IN one_CD estimate_NN ,_, these_DT measures_NNS resulted_VBD in_IN 36,000_CD people_NNS killed_VBD ,_, 11,000_CD people_NNS wounded_VBN ,_, and_CC 432,000_CD people_NNS displaced_VBN ._. [_-LRB- 169_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT Korean_JJ War_NNP broke_VBD out_RP when_WRB Soviet_JJ -_HYPH backed_VBN North_NNP Korea_NNP invaded_VBD South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, though_IN neither_DT side_NN gained_VBD much_JJ territory_NN as_IN a_DT result_NN ._. The_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP remained_VBD divided_JJ ,_, the_DT Korean_JJ Demilitarized_NNP Zone_NNP being_VBG the_DT de_FW facto_FW border_NN between_IN the_DT two_CD states_NNS ._. In_IN June_NNP 1950_CD North_NNP Korea_NNP invaded_VBD the_DT South_NNP ,_, using_VBG Soviet_JJ tanks_NNS and_CC weaponry_NN ._. During_IN the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP (_-LRB- 1950_CD –_SYM 53_CD )_-RRB- more_JJR than_IN 1.2_CD million_CD people_NNS died_VBD and_CC the_DT three_CD years_NNS of_IN fighting_VBG throughout_IN the_DT nation_NN effectively_RB destroyed_VBD most_RBS cities_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 170_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT war_NN ended_VBD in_IN an_DT Armistice_NNP Agreement_NNP at_IN approximately_RB the_DT Military_JJ Demarcation_NN Line_NN ,_, but_CC the_DT two_CD governments_NNS are_VBP officially_RB at_IN war_NN ._. In_IN 2018_CD ,_, the_DT leaders_NNS of_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP officially_RB signed_VBD the_DT Panmunjom_NNP Declaration_NNP ,_, announcing_VBG that_IN they_PRP will_MD work_VB to_TO end_VB the_DT conflict_NN ._. In_IN November_NNP 2020_CD ,_, South_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC China_NNP agreed_VBD to_TO work_VB together_RB to_TO mend_VB South_NNP Korea_NNP ’s_POS relationship_NN with_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ._. During_IN a_DT meeting_NN between_IN President_NNP Moon_NNP and_CC China_NNP ’s_POS top_JJ diplomat_NN ,_, Wang_NNP Yi_NNP ,_, Moon_NNP expressed_VBD his_PRP$ gratitude_NN to_IN China_NNP for_IN its_PRP$ role_NN in_IN helping_VBG to_TO foster_VB peace_NN in_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ._. Moon_NNP was_VBD quoted_VBN telling_VBG Wang_NNP during_IN their_PRP$ meeting_NN that_IN “_`` [_-LRB- the_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ ]_-RRB- government_NN will_MD not_RB stop_VB efforts_NNS to_TO put_VB an_DT end_NN (_-LRB- formally_RB )_-RRB- to_IN war_NN on_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP and_CC achieve_VB complete_JJ denuclearization_NN and_CC permanent_JJ peace_NN together_RB with_IN the_DT international_JJ community_NN ,_, including_VBG China_NNP ._. ”_'' [_-LRB- 171_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT combined_VBN population_NN of_IN the_DT Koreas_NNPS is_VBZ about_IN 76_CD million_CD (_-LRB- North_NNP Korea_NNP :_: 25_CD million_CD ,_, South_NNP Korea_NNP :_: 51_CD million_CD )_-RRB- ._. Korea_NNP is_VBZ chiefly_RB populated_VBN by_IN a_DT highly_RB homogeneous_JJ ethnic_JJ group_NN ,_, the_DT Koreans_NNPS ,_, who_WP speak_VBP the_DT Korean_JJ language_NN ._. [_-LRB- 172_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT number_NN of_IN foreigners_NNS living_VBG in_IN Korea_NNP has_VBZ also_RB steadily_RB increased_VBN since_IN the_DT late_JJ 20th_JJ century_NN ,_, particularly_RB in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, where_WRB more_JJR than_IN 1_CD million_CD foreigners_NNS reside_VBP ._. [_-LRB- 173_CD ]_-RRB- It_PRP was_VBD estimated_VBN in_IN 2006_CD that_WDT only_RB 26,700_CD of_IN the_DT old_JJ Chinese_JJ community_NN now_RB remain_VBP in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 174_CD ]_-RRB- However_RB ,_, in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ,_, immigration_NN from_IN mainland_NN China_NNP has_VBZ increased_VBN ;_: 624,994_CD persons_NNS of_IN Chinese_JJ nationality_NN have_VBP immigrated_VBN to_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, including_VBG 443,566_CD of_IN ethnic_JJ Korean_JJ descent_NN ._. [_-LRB- 175_CD ]_-RRB- Small_JJ communities_NNS of_IN ethnic_JJ Chinese_JJ and_CC Japanese_JJ are_VBP also_RB found_VBN in_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 176_CD ]_-RRB- Korean_NNP is_VBZ the_DT official_JJ language_NN of_IN both_DT North_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, and_CC (_-LRB- along_IN with_IN Mandarin_NNP )_-RRB- of_IN Yanbian_NNP Korean_NNP Autonomous_NNP Prefecture_NNP in_IN the_DT Manchuria_NNP area_NN of_IN China_NNP ._. Worldwide_NNP ,_, there_EX are_VBP up_RB to_IN 80_CD million_CD speakers_NNS of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ language_NN ._. South_NNP Korea_NNP has_VBZ around_RB 50_CD million_CD speakers_NNS while_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP around_IN 25_CD million_CD ._. Other_JJ large_JJ groups_NNS of_IN Korean_JJ speakers_NNS through_IN Korean_JJ diaspora_NN are_VBP found_VBN in_IN China_NNP ,_, the_DT United_NNP States_NNP ,_, Japan_NNP ,_, former_JJ Soviet_NNP Union_NNP and_CC elsewhere_RB ._. Modern_JJ Korean_JJ is_VBZ written_VBN almost_RB exclusively_RB in_IN the_DT script_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ alphabet_NN (_-LRB- known_VBN as_IN Hangul_NNP in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC Chosungul_NNP in_IN China_NNP and_CC North_NNP Korea_NNP )_-RRB- ,_, which_WDT was_VBD invented_VBN in_IN the_DT 15th_JJ century_NN ._. Korean_NNP is_VBZ sometimes_RB written_VBN with_IN the_DT addition_NN of_IN some_DT Chinese_JJ characters_NNS called_VBN Hanja_NNP ;_: however_RB ,_, this_DT is_VBZ only_RB occasionally_RB seen_VBN nowadays_RB ._. In_IN ancient_JJ Chinese_JJ texts_NNS ,_, Korea_NNP is_VBZ referred_VBN to_IN as_IN "_`` Rivers_NNP and_CC Mountains_NNPS Embroidered_VBN on_IN Silk_NNP "_'' (_-LRB- 금수강산_FW ,_, 錦繡江山_NN )_-RRB- and_CC "_`` Eastern_NNP Nation_NNP of_IN Decorum_NNP "_'' (_-LRB- 동방예의지국_NNP ,_, 東方禮儀之國_NN )_-RRB- ._. [_-LRB- 179_CD ]_-RRB- Individuals_NNS are_VBP regarded_VBN as_IN one_CD year_NN old_JJ when_WRB they_PRP are_VBP born_VBN ,_, as_IN Koreans_NNPS reckon_VBP the_DT pregnancy_NN period_NN as_IN one_CD year_NN of_IN life_NN for_IN infants_NNS ,_, and_CC age_NN increments_NNS increase_VBP on_IN New_NNP Year_NNP 's_POS Day_NN rather_RB than_IN on_IN the_DT anniversary_NN of_IN birthdays_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, one_CD born_VBN immediately_RB before_IN New_NNP Year_NNP 's_POS Day_NN may_MD only_RB be_VB a_DT few_JJ days_NNS old_JJ in_IN western_JJ reckoning_NN ,_, but_CC two_CD years_NNS old_JJ in_IN Korea_NNP ._. Accordingly_RB ,_, a_DT Korean_JJ person_NN 's_POS stated_JJ age_NN (_-LRB- at_RB least_RBS among_IN fellow_JJ Koreans_NNPS )_-RRB- will_MD be_VB one_CD or_CC two_CD years_NNS more_RBR than_IN their_PRP$ age_NN according_VBG to_IN western_JJ reckoning_NN ._. However_RB ,_, western_JJ reckoning_NN is_VBZ sometimes_RB applied_VBN with_IN regard_NN to_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN legal_JJ age_NN ;_: for_IN example_NN ,_, the_DT legal_JJ age_NN for_IN purchasing_VBG alcohol_NN or_CC cigarettes_NNS in_IN the_DT Republic_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP is_VBZ 19_CD ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ measured_VBN according_VBG to_IN western_JJ reckoning_NN ._. Korean_JJ literature_NN written_VBN before_IN the_DT end_NN of_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP Dynasty_NNP is_VBZ called_VBN "_`` Classical_JJ "_'' or_CC "_`` Traditional_NNP ._. "_'' Literature_NNP ,_, written_VBN in_IN Chinese_JJ characters_NNS (_-LRB- hanja_NN )_-RRB- ,_, was_VBD established_VBN at_IN the_DT same_JJ time_NN as_IN the_DT Chinese_JJ script_NN arrived_VBD on_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ._. Korean_JJ scholars_NNS were_VBD writing_VBG poetry_NN in_IN the_DT classical_JJ Korean_JJ style_NN as_IN early_JJ as_IN the_DT 2nd_JJ century_NN BCE_NNP ,_, reflecting_VBG Korean_JJ thoughts_NNS and_CC experiences_NNS of_IN that_DT time_NN ._. Classical_JJ Korean_JJ literature_NN has_VBZ its_PRP$ roots_NNS in_IN traditional_JJ folk_NN beliefs_NNS and_CC folk_NN tales_NNS of_IN the_DT peninsula_NN ,_, strongly_RB influenced_VBN by_IN Confucianism_NNP ,_, Buddhism_NNP and_CC Taoism_NNP ._. Modern_JJ literature_NN is_VBZ often_RB linked_VBN with_IN the_DT development_NN of_IN hangul_NN ,_, which_WDT helped_VBD spread_VB literacy_NN from_IN the_DT aristocracy_NN to_IN the_DT common_JJ people_NNS ._. Hangul_NNP ,_, however_RB ,_, only_RB reached_VBD a_DT dominant_JJ position_NN in_IN Korean_JJ literature_NN in_IN the_DT second_JJ half_NN of_IN the_DT 19th_JJ century_NN ,_, resulting_VBG in_IN a_DT major_JJ growth_NN in_IN Korean_JJ literature_NN ._. Sinsoseol_NNP ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, are_VBP novels_NNS written_VBN in_IN hangul_NN ._. The_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP led_VBD to_IN the_DT development_NN of_IN literature_NN centered_VBN on_IN the_DT wounds_NNS and_CC chaos_NN of_IN war_NN ._. Much_JJ of_IN the_DT post-war_JJ literature_NN in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP deals_NNS with_IN the_DT daily_JJ lives_NNS of_IN ordinary_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PRP$ struggles_NNS with_IN national_JJ pain_NN ._. The_DT collapse_NN of_IN the_DT traditional_JJ Korean_JJ value_NN system_NN is_VBZ another_DT common_JJ theme_NN of_IN the_DT time_NN ._. Traditional_JJ Korean_JJ music_NN includes_VBZ combinations_NNS of_IN the_DT folk_NN ,_, vocal_NN ,_, religious_JJ and_CC ritual_NN music_NN styles_NNS of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ people_NNS ._. Korean_JJ music_NN has_VBZ been_VBN practiced_VBN since_IN prehistoric_JJ times_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 180_CD ]_-RRB- Korean_JJ music_NN falls_VBZ into_IN two_CD broad_JJ categories_NNS ._. The_DT first_JJ ,_, Hyangak_NNP ,_, literally_RB means_VBZ The_DT local_JJ music_NN or_CC Music_NN native_JJ to_IN Korea_NNP ,_, a_DT famous_JJ example_NN of_IN which_WDT is_VBZ Sujechon_NNP ,_, a_DT piece_NN of_IN instrumental_JJ music_NN often_RB claimed_VBD to_TO be_VB at_RB least_RBS 1,300_CD years_NNS old_JJ ._. [_-LRB- 181_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT second_JJ ,_, yangak_NN ,_, represents_VBZ a_DT more_RBR Western_JJ style_NN ._. Confucian_JJ tradition_NN has_VBZ dominated_VBN Korean_JJ thought_NN ,_, along_IN with_IN contributions_NNS by_IN Buddhism_NNP ,_, Taoism_NNP ,_, and_CC Korean_JJ Shamanism_NNP ._. Since_IN the_DT middle_NN of_IN the_DT 20th_JJ century_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, Christianity_NNP has_VBZ competed_VBN with_IN Buddhism_NNP in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, while_IN religious_JJ practice_NN has_VBZ been_VBN suppressed_VBN in_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ._. Throughout_IN Korean_JJ history_NN and_CC culture_NN ,_, regardless_RB of_IN separation_NN ;_: the_DT influence_NN of_IN traditional_JJ beliefs_NNS of_IN Korean_JJ Shamanism_NNP ,_, Mahayana_NNP Buddhism_NNP ,_, Confucianism_NNP and_CC Taoism_NNP have_VBP remained_VBN an_DT underlying_JJ religion_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ people_NNS as_RB well_RB as_IN a_DT vital_JJ aspect_NN of_IN their_PRP$ culture_NN ;_: all_PDT these_DT traditions_NNS have_VBP coexisted_VBN peacefully_RB for_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN years_NNS up_IN to_IN today_NN despite_IN strong_JJ Westernisation_NNP from_IN Christian_NNP missionary_JJ conversions_NNS in_IN the_DT South_NNP [_-LRB- 182_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 183_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 184_CD ]_-RRB- or_CC the_DT pressure_NN from_IN the_DT Juche_NNP government_NN in_IN the_DT North_NNP ._. [_-LRB- 185_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 186_CD ]_-RRB- According_VBG to_IN 2005_CD statistics_NNS compiled_VBN by_IN the_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ government_NN ,_, about_IN 46_CD %_NN of_IN citizens_NNS profess_VBP to_TO follow_VB no_DT particular_JJ religion_NN ._. Christians_NNPS account_VBP for_IN 29.2_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT population_NN (_-LRB- of_IN which_WDT are_VBP Protestants_NNPS 18.3_CD %_NN and_CC Catholics_NNPS 10.9_CD %_NN )_-RRB- and_CC Buddhists_NNPS 22.8_CD %_NN ._. [_-LRB- 187_CD ]_-RRB- Islam_NNP in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP is_VBZ practiced_VBN by_IN about_RB 45,000_CD natives_NNS (_-LRB- about_IN 0.09_CD %_NN of_IN the_DT population_NN )_-RRB- in_IN addition_NN to_IN some_DT 100,000_CD foreign_JJ workers_NNS from_IN Muslim_JJ countries_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 188_CD ]_-RRB- Koreans_NNPS traditionally_RB believe_VBP that_IN the_DT taste_NN and_CC quality_NN of_IN food_NN depend_VBP on_IN its_PRP$ spices_NNS and_CC sauces_NNS ,_, the_DT essential_JJ ingredients_NNS to_IN making_VBG a_DT delicious_JJ meal_NN ._. Therefore_RB ,_, soybean_NN paste_NN ,_, soy_NN sauce_NN ,_, gochujang_NN or_CC red_JJ pepper_NN paste_NN and_CC kimchi_NN are_VBP some_DT of_IN the_DT most_RBS important_JJ staples_NNS in_IN a_DT Korean_JJ household_NN ._. Korean_JJ cuisine_NN was_VBD greatly_RB influenced_VBN by_IN the_DT geography_NN and_CC climate_NN of_IN the_DT Korean_NNP Peninsula_NNP ,_, which_WDT is_VBZ known_VBN for_IN its_PRP$ cold_JJ autumns_NNS and_CC winters_NNS ,_, therefore_RB there_EX are_VBP many_JJ fermented_JJ dishes_NNS and_CC hot_JJ soups_NNS and_CC stews_NNS ._. Korean_JJ cuisine_NN is_VBZ probably_RB best_RBS known_VBN for_IN kimchi_NN ,_, a_DT side_NN dish_NN which_WDT uses_VBZ a_DT distinctive_JJ fermentation_NN process_NN of_IN preserving_VBG vegetables_NNS ,_, most_JJS commonly_RB cabbage_NN ._. Kimchi_NNP is_VBZ said_VBN to_TO relieve_VB the_DT pores_NNS on_IN the_DT skin_NN ,_, thereby_RB reducing_VBG wrinkles_NNS and_CC providing_VBG nutrients_NNS to_IN the_DT skin_NN naturally_RB ._. It_PRP is_VBZ also_RB healthy_JJ ,_, as_IN it_PRP provides_VBZ necessary_JJ vitamins_NNS and_CC nutrients_NNS ._. Gochujang_NNP ,_, a_DT traditional_JJ Korean_JJ sauce_NN made_VBN of_IN red_JJ pepper_NN is_VBZ also_RB commonly_RB used_VBN ,_, often_RB as_IN pepper_NN (_-LRB- chilli_NN )_-RRB- paste_NN ,_, earning_VBG the_DT cuisine_NN a_DT reputation_NN for_IN spiciness_NN ._. Bulgogi_NNP (_-LRB- roasted_VBN marinated_VBN meat_NN ,_, usually_RB beef_NN )_-RRB- ,_, galbi_NN (_-LRB- marinated_VBN grilled_VBN short_JJ ribs_NNS )_-RRB- ,_, and_CC samgyeopsal_NN (_-LRB- pork_NN belly_NN )_-RRB- are_VBP popular_JJ meat_NN entrees_NNS ._. Fish_NNP is_VBZ also_RB a_DT popular_JJ commodity_NN ,_, as_IN it_PRP is_VBZ the_DT traditional_JJ meat_NN that_WDT Koreans_NNPS eat_VBP ._. Meals_NNS are_VBP usually_RB accompanied_VBN by_IN a_DT soup_NN or_CC stew_NN ,_, such_JJ as_IN galbitang_NN (_-LRB- stewed_VBN ribs_NNS )_-RRB- or_CC doenjang_NN jjigae_NNS (_-LRB- fermented_VBN bean_NN paste_NN soup_NN )_-RRB- ._. The_DT center_NN of_IN the_DT table_NN is_VBZ filled_VBN with_IN a_DT shared_VBN collection_NN of_IN sidedishes_NNS called_VBN banchan_NN ._. Other_JJ popular_JJ dishes_NNS include_VBP bibimbap_NN ,_, which_WDT literally_RB means_VBZ "_`` mixed_JJ rice_NN "_'' (_-LRB- rice_NN mixed_VBN with_IN meat_NN ,_, vegetables_NNS ,_, and_CC red_JJ pepper_NN paste_NN )_-RRB- ,_, and_CC naengmyeon_NN (_-LRB- cold_JJ noodles_NNS )_-RRB- ._. [_-LRB- 189_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 190_CD ]_-RRB- Instant_JJ noodles_NNS ,_, or_CC ramyeon_NN ,_, is_VBZ a_DT popular_JJ snack_NN food_NN ._. Koreans_NNPS also_RB enjoy_VBP food_NN from_IN pojangmachas_NNS (_-LRB- street_NN vendors_NNS )_-RRB- ,_, which_WDT serve_VBP tteokbokki_NN ,_, rice_NN cake_NN and_CC fish_NN cake_NN with_IN a_DT spicy_JJ gochujang_NN sauce_NN ;_: gimbap_NN ,_, made_VBN of_IN steamed_JJ white_JJ rice_NN wrapped_VBN in_IN dried_VBN laver_NN seaweed_NN ;_: fried_JJ squid_NNS ;_: and_CC glazed_VBN sweet_JJ potato_NN ._. Soondae_NNP ,_, a_DT sausage_NN made_VBN of_IN cellophane_NN noodles_NNS and_CC pork_NN blood_NN ,_, is_VBZ widely_RB eaten_VBN ._. Additionally_RB ,_, some_DT other_JJ common_JJ snacks_NNS include_VBP "_`` Choco_NNP Pie_NNP "_'' ,_, shrimp_NN crackers_NNS ,_, "_'' bbeongtwigi_NN "_'' (_-LRB- puffed_VBN rice_NN grains_NNS )_-RRB- ,_, and_CC "_`` nurungji_FW "_'' (_-LRB- slightly_RB burnt_VBN rice_NN )_-RRB- ._. Nurungji_NNP can_MD be_VB eaten_VBN as_IN it_PRP is_VBZ or_CC boiled_VBN with_IN water_NN to_TO make_VB a_DT soup_NN ._. Nurungji_NNP can_MD also_RB be_VB eaten_VBN as_IN a_DT snack_NN or_CC a_DT dessert_NN ._. Korea_NNP is_VBZ unique_JJ among_IN Asian_JJ countries_NNS in_IN its_PRP$ use_NN of_IN metal_NN chopsticks_NNS ._. Metal_NN chopsticks_NNS have_VBP been_VBN discovered_VBN in_IN archaeological_JJ sites_NNS belonging_VBG to_IN the_DT ancient_JJ Korean_JJ kingdoms_NNS of_IN Goguryeo_NNP ,_, Baekje_NNP and_CC Silla_NNP ._. The_DT modern_JJ South_JJ Korean_JJ school_NN system_NN consists_VBZ of_IN six_CD years_NNS in_IN elementary_JJ school_NN ,_, three_CD years_NNS in_IN middle_JJ school_NN ,_, and_CC three_CD years_NNS in_IN high_JJ school_NN ._. Students_NNS are_VBP required_VBN to_TO go_VB to_IN elementary_JJ and_CC middle_JJ school_NN ,_, and_CC do_VBP not_RB have_VB to_TO pay_VB for_IN their_PRP$ education_NN ,_, except_IN for_IN a_DT small_JJ fee_NN called_VBD a_DT "_`` School_NNP Operation_NNP Support_NNP Fee_NN "_'' that_WDT differs_VBZ from_IN school_NN to_IN school_NN ._. The_DT Programme_NNP for_IN International_NNP Student_NNP Assessment_NNP ,_, coordinated_VBN by_IN the_DT OECD_NNP ,_, ranks_VBZ South_NNP Korea_NNP 's_POS science_NN education_NN as_IN the_DT third_JJ best_JJS in_IN the_DT world_NN and_CC being_VBG significantly_RB higher_JJR than_IN the_DT OECD_NNP average_NN ._. [_-LRB- 191_CD ]_-RRB- South_NNP Korea_NNP ranks_VBZ second_RB on_IN math_NN and_CC literature_NN and_CC first_JJ in_IN problem_NN solving_NN [_-LRB- citation_NN needed_VBN ]_-RRB- ._. Although_IN South_JJ Korean_JJ students_NNS often_RB rank_VBP high_JJ on_IN international_JJ comparative_JJ assessments_NNS ,_, the_DT education_NN system_NN is_VBZ criticised_VBN for_IN emphasising_VBG too_RB much_JJ upon_IN passive_JJ learning_NN and_CC memorization_NN ._. The_DT South_JJ Korean_JJ education_NN system_NN is_VBZ rather_RB notably_RB strict_JJ and_CC structured_JJ as_IN compared_VBN to_IN its_PRP$ counterparts_NNS in_IN most_JJS Western_JJ societies_NNS ._. The_DT North_JJ Korean_JJ education_NN system_NN consists_VBZ primarily_RB of_IN universal_JJ and_CC state_NN funded_VBN schooling_NN by_IN the_DT government_NN ._. The_DT national_JJ literacy_NN rate_NN for_IN citizens_NNS 15_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN and_CC above_RB is_VBZ over_IN 99_CD percent_NN ._. [_-LRB- 192_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 193_CD ]_-RRB- Children_NNS go_VBP through_IN one_CD year_NN of_IN kindergarten_NN ,_, four_CD years_NNS of_IN primary_JJ education_NN ,_, six_CD years_NNS of_IN secondary_JJ education_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB on_IN to_IN universities_NNS ._. The_DT most_RBS prestigious_JJ university_NN in_IN the_DT DPRK_NNP is_VBZ Kim_NNP Il_NNP -_HYPH sung_NNP University_NNP ._. Other_JJ notable_JJ universities_NNS include_VBP Kim_NNP Chaek_NNP University_NNP of_IN Technology_NNP ,_, which_WDT focuses_VBZ on_IN computer_NN science_NN ,_, Pyongyang_NNP University_NNP of_IN Foreign_NNP Studies_NNPS ,_, which_WDT trains_VBZ working_VBG level_NN diplomats_NNS and_CC trade_NN officials_NNS ,_, and_CC Kim_NNP Hyong_NNP Jik_NNP University_NNP ,_, which_WDT trains_VBZ teachers_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_DT best_JJS known_VBN artifacts_NNS of_IN Korea_NNP 's_POS history_NN of_IN science_NN and_CC technology_NN is_VBZ the_DT Cheomseongdae_NNP (_-LRB- 첨성대_NNP ,_, 瞻星臺_NN )_-RRB- ,_, a_DT 9.4_CD -_HYPH meter_NN high_JJ observatory_NN built_VBN in_IN 634_CD ._. The_DT earliest_JJS known_VBN surviving_VBG Korean_JJ example_NN of_IN woodblock_NN printing_NN is_VBZ the_DT Mugujeonggwang_NNP Great_NNP Dharani_NNP Sutra_NN ._. [_-LRB- 194_CD ]_-RRB- It_PRP is_VBZ believed_VBN to_TO have_VB been_VBN printed_VBN in_IN Korea_NNP in_IN 750_CD –_SYM 51_CD ,_, which_WDT if_IN correct_JJ ,_, would_MD make_VB it_PRP older_JJR than_IN the_DT Diamond_NNP Sutra_NN ._. During_IN the_DT Goryeo_NNP Dynasty_NNP ,_, metal_NN movable_JJ type_NN printing_NN was_VBD invented_VBN by_IN Choe_NNP Yun_NNP -_HYPH ui_NNP in_IN 1234_CD ._. [_-LRB- 195_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 5_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 196_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 197_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 8_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 3_CD ]_-RRB- This_DT invention_NN made_VBN printing_NN easier_JJR ,_, more_RBR efficient_JJ and_CC also_RB increased_VBD literacy_NN ,_, which_WDT observed_VBN by_IN Chinese_JJ visitors_NNS was_VBD seen_VBN to_TO be_VB so_RB important_JJ where_WRB it_PRP was_VBD considered_VBN to_TO be_VB shameful_JJ to_TO not_RB be_VB able_JJ to_TO read_VB ._. [_-LRB- 198_CD ]_-RRB- The_DT Mongol_NNP Empire_NNP later_RB adopted_VBD Korea_NNP 's_POS movable_JJ type_NN printing_NN and_CC spread_NN as_RB far_RB as_IN Central_NNP Asia_NNP ._. There_EX is_VBZ conjecture_NN as_IN to_IN whether_IN or_CC not_RB Choe_NNP 's_POS invention_NN had_VBD any_DT influence_NN on_IN later_JJ printing_NN inventions_NNS such_JJ as_IN Gutenberg_NNP 's_POS Printing_NNP press_NN ._. [_-LRB- 199_CD ]_-RRB- When_WRB the_DT Mongols_NNPS invaded_VBD Europe_NNP they_PRP inadvertently_RB introduced_VBD different_JJ kinds_NNS of_IN Asian_JJ technology_NN ._. [_-LRB- 200_CD ]_-RRB- During_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP period_NN ,_, the_DT Turtle_NNP Ship_NNP was_VBD invented_VBN ,_, which_WDT were_VBD covered_VBN by_IN a_DT wooden_JJ deck_NN and_CC iron_NN with_IN thorns_NNS ,_, [_-LRB- 201_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 202_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 203_CD ]_-RRB- as_RB well_RB as_IN other_JJ weapons_NNS such_JJ as_IN the_DT bigyeokjincheolloe_NN cannon_NN (_-LRB- 비격진천뢰_NN ,_, 飛擊震天雷_NN )_-RRB- and_CC the_DT hwacha_NN ._. The_DT Korean_JJ alphabet_NN hangul_NN was_VBD also_RB invented_VBN during_IN this_DT time_NN by_IN King_NNP Sejong_NNP the_DT Great_NNP ._. North_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP usually_RB compete_VBP as_IN two_CD separate_JJ nations_NNS in_IN international_JJ events_NNS ._. There_EX are_VBP ,_, however_RB ,_, a_DT few_JJ examples_NNS of_IN them_PRP having_VBG competed_VBN as_IN one_CD entity_NN ,_, under_IN the_DT name_NN Korea_NNP ._. While_IN association_NN football_NN remains_VBZ one_CD of_IN the_DT most_RBS popular_JJ sports_NNS in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, the_DT martial_JJ art_NN of_IN taekwondo_NN is_VBZ considered_VBN to_TO be_VB the_DT national_JJ sport_NN ._. Baseball_NN and_CC golf_NN are_VBP also_RB popular_JJ ._. Taekwon_NNP -_HYPH Do_NNP is_VBZ Korea_NNP 's_POS most_RBS famous_JJ martial_JJ art_NN and_CC sport_NN ._. It_PRP combines_VBZ combat_NN techniques_NNS ,_, self_NN -_HYPH defence_NN ,_, sport_NN and_CC exercise_NN ._. Taekwon_NNP -_HYPH Do_NNP has_VBZ become_VBN an_DT official_JJ Olympic_JJ sport_NN ,_, starting_VBG as_IN a_DT demonstration_NN event_NN in_IN 1988_CD (_-LRB- when_WRB South_NNP Korea_NNP hosted_VBD the_DT Games_NNPS in_IN Seoul_NNP )_-RRB- and_CC becoming_VBG an_DT official_JJ medal_NN event_NN in_IN 2000_CD ._. The_DT two_CD major_JJ Taekwon_NNP -_HYPH Do_NNP federations_NNS were_VBD founded_VBN in_IN Korea_NNP ._. The_DT two_CD are_VBP the_DT International_NNP Taekwon_NNP -_HYPH Do_NNP Federation_NNP and_CC the_DT World_NNP Taekwondo_NNP Federation_NNP ._. Hapkido_NNP is_VBZ a_DT modern_JJ Korean_JJ martial_JJ art_NN with_IN a_DT grappling_VBG focus_NN that_WDT employs_VBZ joint_JJ locks_NNS ,_, throws_VBZ ,_, kicks_VBZ ,_, punches_NNS and_CC other_JJ striking_JJ attacks_NNS like_IN attacks_NNS against_IN pressure_NN points_NNS ._. Hapkido_NNP emphasizes_VBZ circular_JJ motion_NN ,_, non-resisting_JJ movements_NNS and_CC control_NN of_IN the_DT opponent_NN ._. Practitioners_NNS seek_VBP to_TO gain_VB advantage_NN through_IN footwork_NN and_CC body_NN positioning_NN to_TO employ_VB leverage_NN ,_, avoiding_VBG the_DT pure_JJ use_NN of_IN strength_NN against_IN strength_NN ._. Ssireum_NNP is_VBZ a_DT traditional_JJ form_NN of_IN wrestling_NN that_WDT has_VBZ been_VBN practiced_VBN in_IN Korea_NNP for_IN thousands_NNS of_IN years_NNS ,_, with_IN evidence_NN discovered_VBN from_IN Goguryeo_NNP of_IN Korea_NNP 's_POS Three_CD Kingdoms_NNS Period_NN (_-LRB- 57_CD BCE_NNP to_TO 688_CD )_-RRB- ._. Ssireum_NNP is_VBZ the_DT traditional_JJ national_JJ sport_NN of_IN Korea_NNP ._. During_IN a_DT match_NN ,_, opponents_NNS grip_NN each_DT other_JJ by_IN sash_NN belts_NNS wrapped_VBN around_IN the_DT waist_NN and_CC the_DT thigh_NN ,_, attempting_VBG to_TO throw_VB their_PRP$ competitor_NN to_IN the_DT sandy_JJ ground_NN of_IN the_DT ring_NN ._. The_DT first_JJ opponent_NN to_TO touch_VB the_DT ground_NN with_IN any_DT body_NN part_NN above_IN the_DT knee_NN or_CC to_TO lose_VB hold_NN of_IN their_PRP$ opponent_NN loses_VBZ the_DT round_NN ._. Ssireum_NNP competitions_NNS are_VBP traditionally_RB held_VBN twice_PDT a_DT year_NN ,_, during_IN the_DT Dano_NNP Festival_NNP (_-LRB- the_DT 5th_JJ day_NN of_IN the_DT fifth_JJ lunar_JJ month_NN )_-RRB- and_CC Chuseok_NNP (_-LRB- the_DT 15th_JJ day_NN of_IN the_DT 8th_JJ lunar_JJ month_NN )_-RRB- ._. Competitions_NNS are_VBP also_RB held_VBN throughout_IN the_DT year_NN as_IN a_DT part_NN of_IN festivals_NNS and_CC other_JJ events_NNS ._. Taekkyon_NNP is_VBZ a_DT traditional_JJ martial_JJ art_NN ,_, considered_VBD the_DT oldest_JJS form_NN of_IN fighting_VBG technique_NN of_IN Korea_NNP ._. Practiced_VBN for_IN centuries_NNS and_CC especially_RB popular_JJ during_IN the_DT Joseon_NNP dynasty_NN ,_, two_CD forms_NNS co-existed_VBD :_: one_CD for_IN practical_JJ use_NN ,_, the_DT other_JJ for_IN sport_NN ._. This_DT form_NN was_VBD usually_RB practiced_VBN alongside_IN Ssireum_NNP during_IN festivals_NNS and_CC competitions_NNS between_IN villages_NNS ._. Nonetheless_RB ,_, Taekkyon_NNP almost_RB disappeared_VBD during_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ Occupation_NNP and_CC the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP ._. Though_IN lost_VBN in_IN North_NNP Korea_NNP ,_, Taekkyon_NNP has_VBZ enjoyed_VBN a_DT spectacular_JJ revival_NN from_IN the_DT 1980s_NNS in_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. It_PRP is_VBZ the_DT only_JJ martial_JJ art_NN in_IN the_DT world_NN (_-LRB- with_IN Ssireum_NNP )_-RRB- recognized_VBN as_IN a_DT National_NNP Treasure_NNP of_IN South_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC a_DT UNESCO_NNP Intangible_NNP Cultural_NNP Heritage_NNP ._. Samiljeol_NNP ,_, Independence_NNP Movement_NNP Day_NNP ,_, commemorates_VBZ Korea_NNP 's_POS declaration_NN of_IN independence_NN from_IN Japanese_JJ occupation_NN on_IN 1_CD March_NNP 1919_CD ._. The_DT name_NN is_VBZ derived_VBN from_IN Korean_JJ 삼_NN "_'' sam_NN "_'' '_`` three_CD '_'' ,_, 일_IN "_`` il_NNP "_'' '_`` one_CD ,_, '_'' and_CC 절_NN "_'' jeol_NN "_'' '_`` day_NN '_'' ,_, the_DT date_NN of_IN the_DT uprising_NN in_IN 1919_CD ._. Korea_NNP was_VBD annexed_VBN to_IN the_DT Empire_NN of_IN Japan_NNP on_IN 29_CD August_NNP 1910_CD following_VBG the_DT imposed_VBN Japan_NNP -_HYPH Korea_NNP Treaty_NNP ._. On_IN 1_CD March_NNP 1919_CD ,_, Korean_NNP presented_VBD their_PRP$ resistance_NN towards_IN Japan_NNP and_CC Japanese_JJ occupation_NN with_IN a_DT declaration_NN of_IN independence_NN ._. Following_VBG the_DT conclusion_NN of_IN World_NNP War_NNP II_NNP ,_, Korea_NNP was_VBD liberated_VBN from_IN Japan_NNP and_CC its_PRP$ independence_NN restored_VBN ._. The_DT newly_RB established_VBN Korean_JJ government_NN set_VBD aside_RB 1_CD March_NNP as_IN a_DT national_JJ holiday_NN to_TO commemorate_VB the_DT sacrifices_NNS borne_VBN in_IN the_DT long_JJ struggle_NN for_IN Korean_JJ independence_NN ._. Hyunchoongil_NNP is_VBZ the_DT national_JJ holiday_NN in_IN Korea_NNP commemorating_VBG those_DT who_WP fought_VBD and_CC died_VBD for_IN the_DT nation_NN ._. In_IN August_NNP 1948_CD ,_, only_RB a_DT few_JJ years_NNS after_IN Korea_NNP achieved_VBD its_PRP$ independence_NN from_IN Japan_NNP ,_, the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP ,_, in_IN Korea_NNP also_RB known_VBN as_IN the_DT 6.25_CD war_NN ,_, broke_VBD out_RP between_IN North_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP ._. During_IN this_DT war_NN ,_, approximately_RB 400,000_CD soldiers_NNS and_CC some_DT one_CD million_CD citizens_NNS were_VBD killed_VBN or_CC injured_VBN ._. In_IN 1953_CD ,_, North_NNP and_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP agreed_VBD to_IN a_DT cease_NN -_HYPH fire_NN ,_, and_CC three_CD years_NNS later_RB the_DT Korean_JJ government_NN established_VBD Hyungchoogil_NNP to_TO commemorate_VB the_DT soldiers_NNS who_WP fought_VBD in_IN the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP ._. Subsequent_JJ to_IN its_PRP$ establishment_NN ,_, Hyungchoogil_NNP was_VBD reinterpreted_VBN as_IN a_DT day_NN of_IN remembrance_NN for_IN those_DT who_WP died_VBD defending_VBG Korea_NNP in_IN all_DT conflicts_NNS ,_, not_RB only_RB during_IN the_DT Korean_NNP War_NNP ._. Gwangbokjeol_NNP is_VBZ the_DT day_NN for_IN celebrating_VBG liberation_NN of_IN the_DT country_NN from_IN Japan_NNP in_IN 1945_CD as_RB well_RB as_IN celebrating_VBG the_DT establishment_NN of_IN Korean_JJ government_NN in_IN 1948_CD ._. Gwangbok_NNP means_VBZ "_`` returned_VBN light_NN "_'' representing_VBG gaining_VBG national_JJ sovereignty_NN from_IN Japan_NNP ._. It_PRP was_VBD first_RB declared_VBN to_TO be_VB national_JJ holiday_NN in_IN 1949_CD October_NNP 1_CD ._. On_IN this_DT date_NN every_DT year_NN ,_, the_DT president_NN of_IN Korea_NNP visits_NNS Independence_NNP Hall_NNP ,_, and_CC invites_VBZ diplomatic_JJ envoys_NNS from_IN many_JJ countries_NNS and_CC all_DT social_JJ standings_NNS in_IN countries_NNS to_IN Cheongwadae_NNP (_-LRB- the_DT Blue_NNP House_NNP ,_, the_DT Korean_JJ presidential_JJ residence_NN )_-RRB- ._. Hangul_NNP Day_NNP (_-LRB- also_RB spelled_VBN as_IN Hangeul_NNP Day_NNP )_-RRB- is_VBZ a_DT day_NN that_WDT celebrates_VBZ the_DT creation_NN of_IN the_DT Hunminjeongeum_NNP (_-LRB- Hangul_NNP ,_, Korean_JJ alphabet_NN )_-RRB- ,_, which_WDT was_VBD inscribed_VBN to_IN the_DT UNESCO_NNP Memory_NN of_IN the_DT World_NNP Register_NNP in_IN 1997_CD ._. [_-LRB- 204_CD ]_-RRB- Hangul_NNP was_VBD created_VBN by_IN Sejong_NNP the_DT Great_NNP in_IN 1443_CD and_CC proclaimed_VBN in_IN 1446_CD ._. Before_IN the_DT creation_NN of_IN Hangul_NNP ,_, people_NNS in_IN Korea_NNP (_-LRB- known_VBN as_IN Joseon_NNP at_IN the_DT time_NN )_-RRB- primarily_RB wrote_VBD using_VBG Classical_JJ Chinese_JJ alongside_IN native_JJ phonetic_JJ writing_NN systems_NNS that_WDT predate_VBP Hangul_NNP by_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN years_NNS ,_, including_VBG idu_NN ,_, hyangchal_NN ,_, gugyeol_NN ,_, and_CC gakpil_NN ._. [_-LRB- 205_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 206_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 207_CD ]_-RRB- [_-LRB- 208_CD ]_-RRB- However_RB ,_, due_IN to_IN the_DT fundamental_JJ differences_NNS between_IN the_DT Korean_JJ and_CC Chinese_JJ languages_NNS ,_, and_CC the_DT large_JJ number_NN of_IN characters_NNS needed_VBN to_TO be_VB learned_VBN ,_, there_EX was_VBD much_JJ difficulty_NN in_IN learning_VBG how_WRB to_TO write_VB using_VBG Chinese_JJ characters_NNS for_IN the_DT lower_JJR classes_NNS ,_, who_WP often_RB did_VBD n't_RB have_VB the_DT privilege_NN of_IN education_NN ._. To_TO assuage_VB this_DT problem_NN ,_, King_NNP Sejong_NNP created_VBD the_DT unique_JJ alphabet_NN known_VBN as_IN Hangul_NNP to_TO promote_VB literacy_NN among_IN the_DT common_JJ people_NNS ._. [_-LRB- 209_CD ]_-RRB- Hangul_NNP Day_NNP was_VBD founded_VBN in_IN 1926_CD during_IN the_DT Japanese_JJ occupation_NN by_IN members_NNS of_IN the_DT Korean_JJ Language_NNP Society_NNP ,_, whose_WP$ goal_NN was_VBD to_TO preserve_VB the_DT Korean_JJ language_NN during_IN a_DT time_NN of_IN rapid_JJ forced_VBN Japanization_NN ._. [_-LRB- 210_CD ]_-RRB- Today_NN ,_, both_CC South_NNP Korea_NNP and_CC North_NNP Korea_NNP celebrate_VB Hangul_NNP Day_NNP as_IN a_DT national_JJ holiday_NN ._. Sources_NNS Coordinates_NNS :_: 38_CD °_NN 19_CD ′_SYM N_NN 127_NN °_NN 14_CD ′_SYM E_NN /_SYM 38.317_CD °_NN N_NN 127.233_CD °_NN E_NN /_HYPH 38.317_CD ;_: 127.233_CD
핵심고유단어 추출작업
tagged를 띄어쓰기로 split하여 배열을 만들고
NNP를 따로 분류한 nnp리스트를 만든뒤
Hashtable로 각 단어의 빈도수를 측정함
String[] taggedArr = tagged.split(" ");
List<String> nnp = Arrays.stream(taggedArr).filter(word -> word.contains("_NNP")).collect(Collectors.toList());
Hashtable<String,Integer> freqOfWordTable = new Hashtable<>();
for (String word : nnp) {
Integer freq = freqOfWordTable.get(word); // 단어를 꺼낸다. word가 key이고 freq가 value
freqOfWordTable.put(word, (freq == null) ? 1: freq +1);
Hashtable을 빈도수로 정렬하고 핵심 고유명사를 뽑아냄
List sortedList = sortByValue(freqOfWordTable);
String coreNoun = sortedList.get(0).toString();
System.out.println(coreNoun); // 결과 : Korea_NNP
// 맵정렬하는 메소드
public static List sortByValue(final Map map) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList();
Collections.sort(list,new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1,Object o2) {
Object v1 = map.get(o1);
Object v2 = map.get(o2);
return ((Comparable) v2).compareTo(v1);
//Collections.reverse(list); // 주석시 오름차순
return list;
트리플 추출 과정
"._."로 끊어서( .은 태그가 .임 ) sentences로 나눔
나눈 문장에 핵심 고유명사가 포함되있는지 여부를 판단함
있으면 단어별로 나눠서 핵심명사는 subject에
핵심명사 뒤에 나오는 동사는 predicate에
그 뒤에 나오는 고유명사는 object에 넣음(논문의 알고리즘 참고)
세개를 묶어 tripple을 구성하고 tripples라는 리스트에 넣음
String[] sentences = tagged.split("\\._\\.");
List<String[]> tripples = new ArrayList<>();
for (String sentence : sentences){
if (sentence.contains(coreNoun)) { //핵심 고유명사 여부
String[] words = sentence.split(" ");
String subject = "";
String predicate = "";
String object = "";
for (String word:words) {
if(word.equals(coreNoun)) {
String[] removeTag = word.split("_");
subject = removeTag[0];
}else if(word.contains("_VB") && !subject.isEmpty()) {
String[] removeTag = word.split("_");
predicate = removeTag[0];
}else if(word.contains("_NNP") && !predicate.isEmpty()) {
String[] removeTag = word.split("_");
object = removeTag[0];
if(!subject.isEmpty() && !predicate.isEmpty() && !object.isEmpty()){
String[] tripple = {subject,predicate,object};
Jena를 이용한 RDF 추출과정
Jena다운 받고 https://jena.apache.org/
File-Project Structure-Libraries에 lib 랑 lib-src 전부 추가
빈 모델 만들고 Resource, Property, RDFNode에 각각 subject, predicate, object 매핑해줌
자세한건 논문과 Jena reference 참고
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
for(String[] statement : tripples){
Resource s = model.createResource("http://subject/"+statement[0]);
Property p = model.createProperty("http://predicate/"+statement[1]);
RDFNode o = model.createLiteral(statement[2]);
}else {
RDF 출력
N-TRIPLES 형태로 출력
RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, model, Lang.NTRIPLES);
더 연구해야될 부분
여기서는 핵심 고유명사를 단순히 빈도수가 가장 높게 나온 고유명사로 정함
kyung hee university를 검색한 결과는 university가 핵심 고유명사로 나옴
→ 이는 띄어쓰기 별로 나누어 형태소 분석을 했기때문
→ 핵심 고유명사를 선정하는 알고리즘 연구 필요
트리플 구성을 보면 이상한게 많이보임
→ 단순히 고유명사를 주어로 했을때 그 뒤에 나오는 동사를 동사로 하고 그 뒤에 나오는 고유명사를 object로 선정하였기 때문
→ 주어 동사 목적어를 매핑하는 더 정확한 알고리즘 연구 필요
Author And Source
이 문제에 관하여(웹 문서를 자동으로 RDF로 변환하기), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://velog.io/@whanhee97/웹-문서를-자동으로-RDF로-변환하기저자 귀속: 원작자 정보가 원작자 URL에 포함되어 있으며 저작권은 원작자 소유입니다.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)