Sight5 2차 개발의 Application(1) 최적화 프로세스 결과 표시

27843 단어
지난 이틀 동안 isight5.0의 크랙에 대해 던진 끝에 마침내 최적화 모듈을 사용할 수 있게 되었습니다.

이 시간 동안 2차 개발 시도를 하고, 먼저 자리를 잡고, 1~2주 안에 차츰차츰 개선해 나갈 것입니다.

추신: github을 잘 사용하지 않았기 때문에 첫 번째 프로젝트로 넣어 보겠습니다.

간단한 모델 작성의 예는 다음을 참조하십시오.

Sight5.0 2차 개발 적용 (2)

==============================분리선=================== === =================================

2012년 7월 20일, 오랜 시간 동안 던진 후에도 여전히 문제가 해결되지 않고 ValueChangeListener와 같은 방법을 시도하기도 했습니다.

매우 무기력했고 나중에 RtUtils가 각 구성 요소의 결과 정보를 작성할 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었으며, 이는 코드를 추가한 후에 실제로 가능합니다.

그러나 이것은 파일로만 출력될 수 있습니다. 변수 값을 얻는 방법은 무엇입니까? 마지막으로 Dafa를 디컴파일하고 작동하는지 확인하십시오.

==============================분리선=================== === =================================
디컴파일된 코드를 연구한 후 키를 찾았습니다.

1 최종 결과를 얻으려면 변수에 대한 참조를 생성해야 합니다.


2 프로세스 유형 구성 요소는 반복적인 방식으로 최신 결과 집합을 얻어야 합니다.

for (fiperresultset = resultrequestmgr.getResultSetSnapShot(); !resultrequestmgr.isComplete() &&; )

==============================분리선=================== === =================================

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package com.engineous.sdk.runtime;

import com.engineous.common.SDKUtils;
import com.engineous.common.i18n.IString;
import com.engineous.sdk.exception.SDKException;
import com.engineous.sdk.frapi.*;
import com.engineous.sdk.frapi.exception.EmptyResultException;
import com.engineous.sdk.frapi.exception.ResultException;
import com.engineous.sdk.gui.ProgressRange;
import com.engineous.sdk.log.Log;
import com.engineous.sdk.log.SysLog;
import com.engineous.sdk.model.*;
import com.engineous.sdk.model.exceptions.DtModelException;
import com.engineous.sdk.model.path.DtComponentPathDescriptor;
import com.engineous.sdk.pse.*;
import com.engineous.sdk.resmgr.ResMgr;
import com.engineous.sdk.vars.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

// Referenced classes of package com.engineous.sdk.runtime:
//            RunResultData, RtException, Context

public class RtUtils
    private static class JobLogValueComparator
        implements Comparator

        public int compare(Object obj, Object obj1)
            JobLogValue joblogvalue = (JobLogValue)obj;
            JobLogValue joblogvalue1 = (JobLogValue)obj1;
            return joblogvalue.getLoggingTime().compareTo(joblogvalue1.getLoggingTime());


    public RtUtils()

    public static void mapContext(Context context, Context context1)
        throws VariableException
        mapContext(context, context1, ((List) (new ArrayList())));

    public static void mapContext(Context context, Context context1, List list)
        throws VariableException
        if(context1 == null || context == null)
        Iterator iterator = null;
        iterator = context1.getList().iterator();
            Variable variable = (Variable);
            if(list == null || !list.contains(variable.getName()))
                int i = variable.getMode();
                String s = variable.getID();
                Variable variable1 = context.getVariableById(s);
                if(i == 3 || i == 2)
                    if(variable.getStructure() == 2)
        } while(true);

    public static void mapContext(Context context, Context context1, VariableFilter variablefilter)
        throws VariableException
        if(context1 == null || context == null)
        Iterator iterator = null;
        iterator = context1.getList().iterator();
            Variable variable = (Variable);
            int i = variable.getMode();
            String s = variable.getID();
            Variable variable1 = context.getVariableById(s);
            if((i == 3 || i == 2) && variablefilter.accept(variable))
                if(variable.getStructure() == 2)
        } while(true);

    public static void writeResults(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, String s, File file, String s1)
        throws SDKException
        writeResults(dtcomponentpath, s, file, true, null, s1);

    public static void writeResults(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, String s, File file, boolean flag, String s1)
        throws SDKException
        writeResults(dtcomponentpath, s, file, flag, null, s1);

    public static void writeResults(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, String s, File file, boolean flag, ProgressRange progressrange, String s1)
        throws SDKException
        DtComponent dtcomponent = dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent();
            if(dtcomponent.getParameterList().size() > 0)
                DtComponent dtcomponent1 = dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent();
                ResultRequestMgr resultrequestmgr = ResultRequestMgrFactory.createInstanceWithAllVariables(s, new DtComponentPathDescriptor(dtcomponentpath.getPath()));
                if(progressrange != null)
                    progressrange.setProgress(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x1641e, "Writing results to file {0}", file.getAbsolutePath()), 50);
                writeResults(dtcomponentpath, s, file, null, flag, progressrange, s1);
                DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath2;
                for(Iterator iterator = dtcomponent.getComponentIterator(); iterator.hasNext(); writeResults(dtcomponentpath2, s, file, flag, progressrange, s1))
                    DtComponent dtcomponent3 = (DtComponent);
                    dtcomponentpath2 = new DtComponentPath(dtcomponentpath.getPath(), dtcomponent3);

            } else
                DtComponent dtcomponent2 = null;
                    dtcomponent2 = dtcomponent.getReferenceRoot();
                catch(Throwable throwable) { }
                if(dtcomponent2 != null)
                    DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath1 = new DtComponentPath(dtcomponentpath.getPath(), dtcomponent2);
                    writeResults(dtcomponentpath1, s, file, flag, progressrange, s1);
            if(progressrange != null)
                progressrange.setProgress(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 46311, "Finished writing results to file {0}", file.getAbsolutePath()), 100);
        catch(Exception exception)
            throw new SDKException(exception, new IString(CLASS, 43899, "Failure writing results to disk"));

    private static ArrayList removeNoSaveDBParametersFromVariableReferenceList(List list)
        throws VariableException
        HashSet hashset = new HashSet(list);
        Iterator iterator = hashset.iterator();
            VariableReference variablereference = (VariableReference);
        } while(true);
        return new ArrayList(hashset);

    public static void writeResults(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, String s, File file, File file1, boolean flag, ProgressRange progressrange, String s1)
        throws SDKException
            DtComponent dtcomponent = dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent();
            if(dtcomponent.getParameterList().size() > 0)
                if(progressrange != null)
                    progressrange.setProgress(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x110a9, "Writing results to {0}", file.getAbsolutePath()), 50);
                    Object obj = VariableUtil.getSubflowVariableReferenceList(dtcomponent);
                    obj = removeNoSaveDBParametersFromVariableReferenceList(((List) (obj)));
                    ResultRequestMgr resultrequestmgr = ResultRequestMgrFactory.createInstanceWithVarRefs(s, new DtComponentPathDescriptor(dtcomponentpath.getPath()), ((List) (obj)), true);
                    boolean flag1 = resultrequestmgr.isComplete();
                    String s2 = dtcomponentpath.getPathAsString();
                    String s4 = s2;
                    catch(EmptyResultException emptyresultexception) { }
                    FiperResultSet fiperresultset;
                    for(fiperresultset = resultrequestmgr.getResultSetSnapShot(); !resultrequestmgr.isComplete() &&;);
                    File file2 = file1;
                    if(file2 != null)
                        String s6 = file2.getAbsolutePath();
                        String s7 = IOUtil.extractFileExtensionPart(s6);
                        String s8 = IOUtil.extractFileNamePart(s6);
                        if(s7 != null)
                            s7 = (new StringBuilder()).append(".").append(s7).toString();
                            s7 = "";
                        file2 = new File(IOUtil.extractFileDirPart(s6), (new StringBuilder()).append(s8).append("-subflow").append(s7).toString());
                    writeResultsToDisk(dtcomponentpath, fiperresultset, file, file2, flag, progressrange, s1, true);
                Object obj1 = VariableUtil.flattenVariableCollectionToVariableReferenceList(dtcomponent.getParameterList(), false, true);
                obj1 = removeNoSaveDBParametersFromVariableReferenceList(((List) (obj1)));
                ResultRequestMgr resultrequestmgr1 = ResultRequestMgrFactory.createInstanceWithVarRefs(s, new DtComponentPathDescriptor(dtcomponentpath.getPath()), ((List) (obj1)), false);
                boolean flag2 = resultrequestmgr1.isComplete();
                String s3 = dtcomponentpath.getPathAsString();
                String s5 = s3;
                catch(EmptyResultException emptyresultexception1) { }
                FiperResultSet fiperresultset1;
                for(fiperresultset1 = resultrequestmgr1.getResultSetSnapShot(); !resultrequestmgr1.isComplete() &&;);
                writeResultsToDisk(dtcomponentpath, fiperresultset1, file, file1, flag, progressrange, s1);
                if(progressrange != null)
                    progressrange.setProgress(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 17571, "Finished writing results to {0}", file.getAbsolutePath()), 100);
        catch(Throwable throwable)
            throw new SDKException(throwable);

    private static void writeResultsToDisk(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, FiperResultSet fiperresultset, File file, File file1, boolean flag, ProgressRange progressrange, String s)
        throws SDKException
        writeResultsToDisk(dtcomponentpath, fiperresultset, file, file1, flag, progressrange, s, false);

    private static void writeResultsToDisk(DtComponentPath dtcomponentpath, FiperResultSet fiperresultset, File file, File file1, boolean flag, ProgressRange progressrange, String s, boolean flag1)
        throws SDKException
            if(file != null && !file.exists())
                boolean flag2 = IOUtil.mkdirs(file);
                    throw new SDKException(new IString(CLASS, 55526, "Failed to create directory {0}", file.getAbsolutePath()));
            boolean flag3 = false;
            Object obj = null;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            String s1 = null;
                s1 = dtcomponentpath.getPathAsString();
            catch(Exception exception)
                throw new SDKException(exception);
            if(file1 == null)
                char ac[] = {
                    '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '<', '>', '|'
                for(int k = 0; k < ac.length; k++)
                    s1 = s1.replace(ac[k], '_');

                    s1 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append("-subflow").toString();
                if(s.indexOf(",") > -1)
                    file1 = new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(".csv").toString());
                    file1 = new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append(".txt").toString());
            RunResultData runresultdata = new RunResultData(dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent(), fiperresultset);
            if(progressrange != null)
                progressrange.beginSubrange(j * i + 10, (j + 1) * i + 10);
            ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
            File file2 = null;
            if(progressrange != null)
                progressrange.setProgress(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 51089, "Writing results for {0}", s1));
                    Collection collection = null;
                        collection = VariableUtil.filterType(dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent().getSubFlowParameterList().getList(), "com.engineous.datatype.File", true);
                        collection = VariableUtil.filterType(dtcomponentpath.getLastPathComponent().getParameterList(), "com.engineous.datatype.File", true);
                    if(collection.size() > 0)
                        file2 = new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s1).append("-Files").toString());
                    int l = runresultdata.getNumRows();
                    Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
                        Variable variable = (Variable);
                        if(variable.getStructure() == 1)
                            ScalarVariable scalarvariable = (ScalarVariable)variable;
                            int i1 = 0;
                            while(i1 < l) 
                                String s2;
                                if(l > 1)
                                    s2 = (new StringBuilder()).append("-").append(Integer.toString(i1 + 1)).toString();
                                    s2 = "";
                                FileValueType filevaluetype = (FileValueType)runresultdata.getValue(i1, variable);
                                if(filevaluetype != null)
                                    String s3 = filevaluetype.getHandler().getOriginalFileName();
                                    if(s3 == null)
                                        s3 = filevaluetype.getRawFileName();
                                    if(s3 != null)
                                        s3 = IOUtil.scrubFileName(s3);
                                        String s4 = IOUtil.extractFileExtensionPart(s3);
                                        if(s4 != null)
                                            s2 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s2).append(".").append(s4).toString();
                                    writeFileValue(file2, filevaluetype, scalarvariable.getName(), s2);
                                } else
                                    SysLog.getLog().logWarn(new IString(CLASS, 0x13f4a, "File value is not available. Is the file parameter set to save to the database?"));
                    } while(true);
                catch(Exception exception1)
                    flag3 = true;
                    obj = exception1;
            if(file2 != null && file2.list().length == 0)
            SDKUtils.writeRunData(file1.getAbsolutePath(), fiperresultset, s);
            if(progressrange != null)
                throw new SDKException(((Throwable) (obj)), new IString(CLASS, 35863, "Failure writing file parameters to disk"));
        catch(SDKException sdkexception)
            throw sdkexception;
        catch(ResultException resultexception)
            throw new SDKException(resultexception);

    public static File writeFileValue(File file, FileValueType filevaluetype, String s, String s1)
        throws IOException, VariableException
        String s2 = s;
        int i = s2.lastIndexOf('_');
        if(s2.indexOf('.') < 0 && i > 0 && (s1 == null || s2.substring(i + 1).equals(s1.substring(Math.max(0, s1.length() - i)))))
            StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(s2);
            stringbuffer.setCharAt(i, '.');
            s2 = stringbuffer.toString();
        if(s1 != null && !s2.endsWith(s1))
            int j = s2.lastIndexOf(".");
            if(j > 0)
                StringBuffer stringbuffer1 = new StringBuffer(s2);
                    stringbuffer1.replace(j, s2.length(), s1);
                    stringbuffer1.insert(j, s1);
                s2 = stringbuffer1.toString();
            } else
                s2 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s2).append(s1).toString();
        File file1 = new File(s2.replace('\\', '/'));
        File file2 = new File(file, file1.getName());
            String s3 = file1.getName();
            int k = s3.lastIndexOf('.');
            String s4;
            if(k > 0)
                s4 = s3.substring(k);
                s3 = s3.substring(0, k);
            } else
                s4 = "";
            int l = 0;
                file2 = new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s3).append(l).append(s4).toString());
            } while(file2.exists());
        FileOutputStream fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(file2);
        InputStream inputstream = null;
        String s5 = ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 23768, "File could not be accessed");
            inputstream = filevaluetype.getHandler().getInputStream();
        catch(Exception exception)
            s5 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s5).append("
").append(exception.toString()).toString(); } if(inputstream == null) { fileoutputstream.write(s5.getBytes()); fileoutputstream.close(); } else if(filevaluetype.getDataType().equals("text/plain")) { InputStreamReader inputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(inputstream, filevaluetype.getDataEncoding()); OutputStreamWriter outputstreamwriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileoutputstream, IOUtil.getLocalEncoding()); IOUtil.copyChars(inputstreamreader, outputstreamwriter); } else { IOUtil.copyStream(inputstream, fileoutputstream); } return file2; } public static void writeJobLogMessages(String s, File file) throws SDKException { FileOutputStream fileoutputstream; OutputStreamWriter outputstreamwriter; if(file.exists()) if(file.isDirectory()) file = new File(file, IOUtil.scrubFileName((new StringBuilder()).append("JobLog-").append(s).toString())); else if(!file.canWrite()) throw new SDKException(new IString(CLASS, 0x13f6d, "Job log file {0} cannot be overwritten.", file)); File file1 = file.getParentFile(); if(file1 != null && !file1.exists()) { boolean flag = IOUtil.mkdirs(file1); if(!flag) throw new SDKException(new IString(CLASS, 55526, "Failed to create directory {0}", file1.getAbsolutePath())); } fileoutputstream = null; outputstreamwriter = null; try { fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(file); outputstreamwriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileoutputstream, IOUtil.getLocalEncoding()); Collection collection = SysPSE.getPSE().getLogsForJob(s); if(collection == null || collection.size() < 1) { outputstreamwriter.write(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x13309, "Job {0} has no log.
", s)); } else { outputstreamwriter.write(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 9629, "Job {0} logs:
", s)); Object obj; if(collection instanceof List) obj = (List)collection; else obj = new ArrayList(collection); Collections.sort(((List) (obj)), new JobLogValueComparator()); SimpleDateFormat simpledateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); Iterator iterator = ((List) (obj)).iterator(); do { if(!iterator.hasNext()) break; JobLogValue joblogvalue = (JobLogValue); outputstreamwriter.write(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 48604, "
Message: {0}
Logged Time: {1} Severity: {2,number} Source: {3}
", new Object[] { joblogvalue.getMsg(), simpledateformat.format(joblogvalue.getLoggingTime()), new Integer(joblogvalue.getSeverity()), joblogvalue.getSource() })); Throwable throwable = joblogvalue.getException(); if(throwable != null) outputstreamwriter.write(ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x175aa, "Exception: {0}
", throwable)); } while(true); outputstreamwriter.flush(); } } catch(PSEException pseexception) { throw new SDKException(pseexception, new IString(CLASS, 0x13e44, "Failed to fetch logs for job {0}.", s)); } catch(Exception exception) { throw new SDKException(exception, new IString(CLASS, 20091, "Unable to write logs for job {0}.", s)); } if(outputstreamwriter != null) try { outputstreamwriter.close(); } catch(IOException ioexception) { } else if(fileoutputstream != null) try { fileoutputstream.close(); } catch(IOException ioexception1) { } break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_527; Exception exception1; exception1; if(outputstreamwriter != null) try { outputstreamwriter.close(); } catch(IOException ioexception2) { } else if(fileoutputstream != null) try { fileoutputstream.close(); } catch(IOException ioexception3) { } throw exception1; } public static String generateJobDesc(DtComponent dtcomponent) throws RtException { String s = null; if(dtcomponent == null) throw new RtException(new IString(CLASS, 1637, "Root component is null for job description generation")); try { DtModelManager dtmodelmanager = dtcomponent.getModelManager(); if(dtmodelmanager != null) { ModelProperties modelproperties = dtmodelmanager.getModelProperties(); if(modelproperties != null) s = modelproperties.getModelName(); } if(s == null || s.length() <= 0) s = dtcomponent.getName(); SimpleDateFormat simpledateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); s = (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append(" - ").append(simpledateformat.format(date)).toString(); } catch(DtModelException dtmodelexception) { throw new RtException(dtmodelexception); } return s; } public static String getEvalTypeDisplayName(int i) { switch(i) { case 1: // '\001' return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x16be8, "Normal"); case 0: // '\0' return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x1415e, "Exact"); case 2: // '\002' return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x13455, "Approximation Update"); case 3: // '\003' return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 32546, "DB Rerun Lookup"); case 5: // '\005' return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 28568, "DB Lookup"); case 4: // '\004' default: return ResMgr.getMessage(CLASS, 0x11a0c, "(Unrecognized Evaluation Type)"); } } private static final transient Class CLASS = com/engineous/sdk/runtime/RtUtils; }

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