Ansible Study - Playbooks

  • Inventory 에서 정의된 호스트에서 무엇을 해야할지를 정의한 것.
  • 자동화 절차를 기술한 코드 파일 코드 Set을 의미함.
  • YAML 형식으로 기록
  • playbook의 목표는 호스트의 그룹을 정의된 Ansible내에서 테스크로 불리는 역할(Role)에 매핑해주는 것

hosts 1개, 기본

    name: 'Execute two commands on localhost'
    hosts: web_node1
        - name: 'Execute a date command'
          command: date
        - name: 'Execute a command to display hosts file'
          command: 'cat /etc/hosts'       

Play name 1개 + 그룹에 속한 hosts

    name: 'Execute two commands on web_node1'
    hosts: "web_node1,sql_db1"
            name: 'Execute a date command'
            command: date
            name: 'Execute a command to display hosts file'
            command: 'cat /etc/hosts'

Play name 2개 + hosts 2개

    name: 'Execute command to display date on web_node1'
    hosts: web_node1
            name: 'Execute a date command'
            command: date
    name: 'Execute a command to display hosts file contents on web_node2'
    hosts: web_node2
            name: 'Execute a command to display hosts file'
            command: 'cat /etc/hosts'  

playbook 연습 - 연속적인 Task

    name: 'Stop the web services on web server nodes'
    hosts: web_nodes
            name: 'Stop the web services on web server nodes'
            command: 'service httpd stop'

    hosts: db_nodes
            name: 'Shutdown the database services on db server nodes'
            command: 'service mysql stop'
    hosts: all_nodes
            name: 'Restart all servers (web and db) at once'
            command: '/sbin/shutdown -r'            
    hosts: db_nodes
            name: 'Start the database services on db server nodes'
            command: 'service mysql start'      
    hosts: web_nodes
            name: 'Start the web services on web server nodes'
            command: 'service httpd start'    

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