Android framework 소스 코드 구성 도

42011 단어 Framework
자신 이 보관 하고 있 는 Android framework 소스 구조 도 는 자신 이 쉽게 찾 아 볼 수 있 도록 합 니 다. 기본적으로 사용 하 는 것 은 앞의 6 개 와 관련 되 고 다른 것 은 거의 모 릅 니 다.
1. frameworks 디 렉 터 리 (핵심 프레임 워 크 - 자바 및 C + + 언어)
|-- base    (    )
|   |-- api   (?  xml  ,   java api?)
|   |-- awt   (AWT )
|   |-- build   (  )
|   |-- camera   (        )
|   |-- cmds   (    :am、app_proce )
|   |-- core   (   )
|   |-- data   (          )
|   |-- docs   (  )
|   |-- graphics (    )
|   |-- include   (   )
|   |-- keystore (         )
|   |-- libs   ( )
|   |-- location (   )
|   |-- media   (     )
|   |-- obex   (     )
|   |-- opengl   (2D-3D   )
|   |-- packages (  、TTS、VPN  )
|   |-- sax   (XML   )
|   |-- services (      )
|   |-- telephony (      )
|   |-- test-runner (      )
|   |-- tests   (    )
|   |-- tools   (         )
|   |--    (VPN)
|   `-- wifi   (    )
|-- opt    (    )
|   |--     (  framework.jar)
|   |--   (  client.jar)
|   `-- emoji   (standard message elements)
`-- policies   (Product policies are operating system directions aimed at specific uses)
    `-- base  
        |-- mid (MID  )
        `-- phone (     ,     )

2. out 디렉토리

Android     ,          out   ,                 
|-- CaseCheck.txt 
|-- casecheck.txt 
|-- host          (   PC host      ,         JAVA   ) 
|    |-- common 
|    |  `-- obj          (JAVA  ) 
|    `-- linux-x86 
|         |-- bin        (     ) 
|         |-- framework  (JAVA  ,*.jar   ) 
|         |-- lib        (   *.so) 
|         `-- obj        (         ) 
`-- target        (    ( ARMv5)|-- common       (common       ) 
    |    |-- R            (    ) 
    |    |-- docs 
    |    `-- obj          (1 APPS      APK  JAVA    ,2 JAVA_LIBRARIES    JAVA  ) 
    `-- product      (product           ) 
        `-- generic 
            |-- android-info.txt 
            |-- symbols 
            |-- obj       (obj/APPS           APK  JAVA  ,obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES        ,obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES        ) 
            |-- root/ 
            |-- ramdisk.img    (   root//,) 
            |-- system/ 
            |-- system.img    (   system/  ,       apps) 
            |-- data/ 
            |-- userdata.img    (   data/  ,    ) 
            `-- userdata-qemu.img 

3. packages 디 렉 터 리
|-- apps     (     )
|   |-- AlarmClock   (  )
|   |-- Bluetooth   (  )
|   |-- Browser   (   )
|   |-- Calculator   (   )
|   |-- Calendar   (  )
|   |-- Camera    (  )
|   |-- CertInstaller   ( Android       ,   )
|   |-- Contacts   (  (  )、   、    )
|   |-- DeskClock   (    )
|   |-- Email    (Email)
|   |-- Gallery    (  , Camera  ,    )
|   |-- Gallery3D   (?3D  )
|   |-- GlobalSearch ( google    ,      )
|   |-- GoogleSearch (google  )
|   |-- HTMLViewer (       ,        ,          )
|   |-- IM    (    ,         、  、     )
|   |-- Launcher   (     ,            )
|   |-- Launcher2   (     ,       )
|   |-- Mms    (?    )
|   |-- Music    (     )
|   |-- PackageInstaller (  、       )
|   |-- Phone    (      )
|   |-- Provision   (       ,    )
|   |-- Settings   (    ,    、  、    、  、wifi )
|   |-- SoundRecorder (   ,            )
|   |-- Stk     (       )
|   |-- Sync    ( )   -------1
|   |-- Updater   ( )
|   `-- VoiceDialer   (      )
|-- inputmethods   (   )
|   |-- LatinIME   (      )
|   |-- OpenWnn   (OpenWnn   )
|   `-- PinyinIME   (     )
|-- providers    (   ,      、       )
|   |-- ApplicationsProvider   (       ,         、   )
|   |-- CalendarProvider    (     )
|   |-- ContactsProvider    (      )
|   |-- DownloadProvider   (       )
|   |-- DrmProvider    (           )
|   |-- GoogleContactsProvider (         ,       )
|   |-- GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider(       )
|   |-- ImProvider     ( )
|   |-- ManagementProvider   ( )
|   |-- MediaProvider    (     ,      )
|   |-- TelephonyProvider   (     )
|   |-- UserDictionaryProvider (       ,         )
|   `-- WebSearchProvider   ( )
|-- services     
|   |-- EasService     ( )
|   `-- LockAndWipe    ( )
`-- wallpapers      (  )
    |-- Basic      (    ,      )
    |-- LivePicker     (      )
    |-- MagicSmoke    (      )
    `-- MusicVisualization   (     ,        )

4. System 디 렉 터 리 (바 텀 파일 시스템 라 이브 러 리, 응용 및 구성 요소 - C 언어)
|-- Bluetooth   (    )
|-- core    (         )
|   |-- adb   (adb    )
|   |-- cpio   (cpio  ,  img)
|   |-- debuggerd (    )
|   |-- fastboot (      )
|   |-- include   (       )
|   |-- init   (init     )
|   |-- libacc   (   C   )
|   |-- libctest   (libc    )
|   |-- libcutils (libc  )
|   |-- liblog   (log )
|   |-- libmincrypt (   )
|   |-- libnetutils (     )
|   |-- libpixelflinger (     )
|   |-- libsysutils (     )
|   |-- libzipfile (zip )
|   |-- logcat   (  log  )
|   |-- logwrapper (log    )
|   |-- mkbootimg (    boot.img      )
|   |-- netcfg   (    netcfg  )
|   |-- nexus   (google       )
|   |-- rootdir   (rootfs,    etc       )
|   |-- sh    (shell  )
|   |-- toolbox   (toolbox,  busybox    )
|   `-- vold   (SD    )
|-- extras    (    )
|   |-- latencytop (a tool for software developers ,identifying system latency happen)
|   |-- libpagemap (pagemap )
|   |-- librank   (Java Library Ranking System )
|   |-- procmem (pagemap  )
|   |-- procrank (Java Library Ranking System  )
|   |-- showmap (showmap  )
|   |-- showslab (showslab  )
|   |-- sound   (    )
|   |-- su    (su    )
|   |-- tests   (      )
|   `-- timeinfo (    )
`-- wlan    (    )
    `-- ti    (ti        )

5 hardware 디 렉 터 리 하드웨어 와 관련 된 라 이브 러 리, 일부 공장 에서 오픈 한 하드웨어 어댑터 HAL 코드
|-- broadcom    (    ) 
|   `-- wlan    (    ) 
|-- libhardware    (   ) 
|   |-- include    (   ) 
|   `-- modules   (Default (and possibly architecture dependents) HAL modules) 
|       |-- gralloc   (gralloc    ) 
|       `-- overlay   (Skeleton for the "overlay" HAL module.) 
|-- libhardware_legacy (     ) 
|   |-- flashlight   (  ) 
|   |-- gps    (GPS) 
|   |-- include    (   ) 
|   |-- mount    (     ) 
|   |-- power    (  ) 
|   |-- qemu    (   ) 
|   |-- qemu_tracing (     ) 
|   |-- tests    (  ) 
|   |-- uevent    (uevent) 
|   |-- vibrator    (  ) 
|   `-- wifi    (  ) 
|-- msm7k    (  7k        ) 
|   |-- boot    (  ) 
|   |-- libaudio   (   ) 
|   |-- libaudio-qsd8k (qsd8k      ) 
|   |-- libcamera   (    ) 
|   |-- libcopybit   (copybit ) 
|   |-- libgralloc   (gralloc ) 
|   |-- libgralloc-qsd8k (qsd8k gralloc ) 
|   |-- liblights   (   ) 
|   `-- librpc    (RPC ) 
|-- ril     (      ) 
|   |-- include    (   ) 
|   |-- libril    ( ) 
|   |-- reference-cdma-sms (cdma    ) 
|   |-- reference-ril    (ril  ) 
|   `-- rild     (ril      ) 
`-- ti       (ti    HAL) 
    |-- omap3     (omap3   ) 
    |   |-- dspbridge   (DSP ) 
    |   |-- libopencorehw (opencore   ) 
    |   |-- liboverlay   (overlay   ) 
    |   |-- libstagefrighthw (stagefright   ) 
    |   `-- omx    (omx  ) 
    `-- wlan     (    ) 

6. vendor 디 렉 터 리 (공장 맞 춤 형 콘 텐 츠)
|-- aosp     (android open source project)
|   `-- products   (      )
|-- htc     (HTC  )
|   |-- common-open (    )
|   |   `-- akmd   (  img    )
|   |-- dream-open   (G1    )
|   |-- prebuilt-open (       )
|   `-- sapphire-open (sapphire        )
|-- pv-open    (   )
|-- qcom     (       )
`-- sample    (google     )
    |-- apps    (  )
    |   |-- client   (  )
    |   `-- upgrade (  )
    |-- frameworks   (  )
    |   `-- PlatformLibrary (   )
    |-- products   (  )
    |-- sdk_addon   (sdk    )
    `-- skins    (  )
        `-- WVGAMedDpi (WVGA     )

7. build 디 렉 터 리
|--                  ,          
|-- core          (      , mk     Makefile ,      Makefile  ) 
|-- history       (    ) 
|-- libs                                 
|   `-- host       (    , android “cp”    ) 
|-- target            (       ,  board product    ,        ) 
|   |-- board          (    ) 
|   |   |-- emulator        (   ) 
|   |   |-- generic         (  ) 
|   |   |-- idea6410        (     ) 
|   |   `-- sim              (   ) 
|   `-- product        (           ) 
|       `-- security        (    ) 
`-- tools             (             ) 
    |-- acp             (Android "acp" Command) 
    |-- apicheck         (api    ) 
    |-- applypatch       (    ) 
    |-- apriori           (     ) 
    |-- atree            (tree  ) 
    |-- bin2asm            (bin   asm|-- check_prereq     (         ) 
    |-- dexpreopt         (       ,      ) 
    |-- droiddoc          (?    ,java  ,      JDK5  ) 
    |-- fs_config         (This program takes a list of files and directories) 
    |-- fs_get_stats    (        ) 
    |-- iself            (    ELF  ) 
    |-- isprelinked     (    prelinked) 
    |-- kcm             (    ) 
    |-- lsd            (List symbol dependencies) 
    |-- releasetools   (          ) 
    |-- rgb2565        (rgb   565|-- signapk        (apk    ) 
    |-- soslim         (strip  ) 
    `-- zipalign           (zip archive alignment tool) 

8. dalvik 디 렉 터 리 는 Android JAVA 응용 프로그램 이 실행 되 는 기본 – JAVA 가상 머 신 을 제공 합 니 다.
|-- dalvikvm                  (main.c   ) 
|-- dexdump                  (dex   ) 
|-- dexlist                      (List all methods in all concrete classes in a DEX file.) 
|-- dexopt                            (      ) 
|-- docs                        (  ) 
|-- dvz                          ( zygote       ) 
|-- dx                           (dx  ,   java   dex) 
|-- hit                           (?java    ) 
|-- libcore                            (   ) 
|-- libcore-disabled         (?    ) 
|-- libdex                       (dex  ) 
|-- libnativehelper           (Support functions for Android's class libraries) 
|-- tests                        (    ) 
|-- tools                        (  ) 
`-- vm                          (     ) 

9. external 디 렉 터 리 android 에서 사용 하 는 추가 소스 라 이브 러 리
|-- aes    (AES  ) 
|-- apache-http   (     ) 
|-- astl    (ASTL (Android STL) is a slimmed-down version of the regular C++ STL.) 
|-- bison    (         ,        C、C++) 
|-- blktrace   (blktrace is a block layer IO tracing mechanism) 
|-- bluetooth   (    、   ) 
|-- bsdiff    (diff  ) 
|-- bzip2    (    ) 
|-- clearsilver   (html    ) 
|-- dbus    (   、   、     IPC  ) 
|-- dhcpcd   (DHCP  ) 
|-- dosfstools   (DOS      ) 
|-- dropbear   (SSH2 server) 
|-- e2fsprogs   (EXT2      ) 
|-- elfcopy   (  ELF   ) 
|-- elfutils    (ELF  ) 
|-- embunit   (Embedded Unit Project) 
|-- emma    (java         ) 
|-- esd    (Enlightened Sound Daemon,                ) 
|-- expat    (Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser.) 
|-- fdlibm    (FDLIBM (Freely Distributable LIBM)) 
|-- freetype   (  ) 
|-- fsck_msdos   (dos        ) 
|-- gdata    (google       ) 
|-- genext2fs   (genext2fs generates an ext2 filesystem as a normal (non-root) user) 
|-- giflib    (gif ) 
|-- googleclient (google   ) 
|-- grub    (This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader.) 
|-- gtest    (Google C++ Testing Framework) 
|-- icu4c    (ICU(International Component for Unicode) C/C++    ) 
|-- ipsec-tools   (This package provides a way to use the native IPsec functionality ) 
|-- iptables   (   ) 
|-- jdiff    (generate a report describing the difference between two public Java APIs.) 
|-- jhead    (jpeg      ) 
|-- jpeg    (jpeg ) 
|-- junit    (JUnit   Java         ) 
|-- kernel-headers (        ) 
|-- libffi    (libffi is a foreign function interface library.) 
|-- libpcap   (         ) 
|-- libpng    (png ) 
|-- libxml2   (xml   ) 
|-- mtpd    (    ) 
|-- netcat    (simple Unix utility which reads and writes dataacross network connections) 
|-- netperf    (        ) 
|-- neven    (    JNI  ) 
|-- opencore   (     ) 
|-- openssl   (SSL    ) 
|-- open   (VPN   ) 
|-- oprofile   (OProfile Linux             。) 
|-- ping    (ping  ) 
|-- ppp    (pppd    ,     chat) 
|-- proguard   (Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier) 
|-- protobuf   (a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data) 
|-- qemu    (arm   ) 
|-- safe-iop   (functions for performing safe integer operations ) 
|-- skia    (skia    ) 
|-- sonivox   (sole MIDI solution for Google Android Mobile Phone Platform) 
|-- speex    (Speex /  API   (libspeex)) 
|-- sqlite    (   ) 
|-- srec    (Nuance                  ) 
|-- strace    (trace  ) 
|-- svox    (Embedded Text-to-Speech) 
|-- tagsoup   (TagSoup   Java    SAX HTML   ) 
|-- tcpdump   ( TCP    ) 
|-- tesseract   (Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine.) 
|-- tinyxml   (TinyXml is a simple, small, C++ XML parser) 
|-- tremor    (I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable,integer-only library) 
|-- webkit    (     ) 
|-- wpa_supplicant (      ) 
|-- xmlwriter   (XML     ) 
|-- yaffs2    (yaffs    ) 
`-- zlib    (a general purpose data compression library) 
 external ,      Android          ,             。  :
  opencore PV(PacketVideo),  Android        。
  webkit Android        。
  sqlite Android        。
  openssl Secure Socket Layer,       ,             。

10. development 디 렉 터 리 개발 자 에 게 필요 한 루틴 및 도구

|-- apps   (        ) 
|   |-- BluetoothDebug (      ) 
|   |-- CustomLocale   (       ) 
|   |-- Development    (  ) 
|   |-- Fallback       (          ) 
|   |-- FontLab        (  ) 
|   |-- GestureBuilder (    ) 
|   |-- NinePatchLab   (?) 
|   |-- OBJViewer      (OBJ   ) 
|   |-- SdkSetup       (SDK   ) 
|   |-- SpareParts     (    ) 
|   |-- Term           (    ) 
|   `-- launchperf     (?) 
|-- build        (      ) 
|-- cmds         (  monkey  ) 
|-- data         (    ) 
|-- docs         (  ) 
|-- emulator     (    ) 
|-- host         (   USB   ) 
|-- ide          (      ) 
|-- ndk          (      ——c      ) 
|-- pdk          (Plug Development Kit) 
|-- samples          (      ) 
|   |-- AliasActivity       (?) 
|   |-- ApiDemos            (API    ) 
|   |-- BluetoothChat       (    ) 
|   |-- BrowserPlugin       (     ) 
|   |-- BusinessCard        (   ) 
|   |-- Compass             (   ) 
|   |-- ContactManager      (      ) 
|   |-- CubeLiveWallpaper   (           ) 
|   |-- FixedGridLayout     (    ) 
|   |-- GlobalTime          (    ) 
|   |-- HelloActivity       (Hello) 
|   |-- Home                (Home) 
|   |-- JetBoy              (jetBoy  ) 
|   |-- LunarLander         (        ) 
|   |-- MailSync            (    ) 
|   |-- MultiResolution     (    ) 
|   |-- MySampleRss         (RSS) 
|   |-- NotePad             (   ) 
|   |-- RSSReader           (RSS   ) 
|   |-- SearchableDictionary  (    ) 
|   |-- SimpleJNI           (JNI  ) 
|   |-- SkeletonApp         (  APP) 
|   |-- Snake               (snake  ) 
|   |-- SoftKeyboard        (   ) 
|   |-- Wiktionary          (?  ) 
|   `-- WiktionarySimple    (?    ) 
|-- scripts           (  ) 
|-- sdk               (sdk  ) 
|-- simulator         (?   ,            ) 
|-- testrunner        (?   ) 
`-- tools             (    ) 
 emulator   qemud   QEMU              ,skins         。
samples      Android    ,            Android         ,        。

11. bootable 디 렉 터 리 안내 캐리어
|-- bootloader     (    bootloader     ) 
|   `-- legacy        (        ,    ) 
|       |-- arch_armv6   (V6  ,         ) 
|       |-- arch_msm7k   (  7k            ) 
|       |-- include      (        7k     ) 
|       |-- libboot      (   ,      ) 
|       |-- libc         (     c  ) 
|       |-- nandwrite    (nandwirte    ) 
|       `-- usbloader    (usbloader  ) 
|-- diskinstaller     (android     ,x86   iso) 
`-- recovery         (      ) 
    |-- edify        (       edify    ) 
    |-- etc       (init.rc    ) 
    |-- minui        (     UI) 
    |-- minzip        (         ) 
    |-- mtdutils      (mtd  ) 
    |-- res         (  ) 
    |   `-- images    (    ) 
    |-- tools          (  ) 
    |   `-- ota    (OTA Over The Air Updates    ) 
    `-- updater       (   ) 

12. prebuilt 디 렉 터 리 (x86 과 arm 구조 에서 미리 컴 파일 된 자원)
|-- android-arm   (arm-android  )
|   |-- gdbserver   (gdb   )
|   `-- kernel    (   arm  )
|-- android-x86   (x86-android  )
|   `-- kernel    (  )
|-- common    (        ,   java )
|-- darwin-x86    (drawin x86  )
|   `-- toolchain   (   )
|       |-- arm-eabi-4.2.1 
|       |-- arm-eabi-4.3.1 
|       `-- arm-eabi-4.4.0 
|-- darwin-x86_64   (drawin x86 64bit  )
|-- linux-x86    (linux x86  )
|   `-- toolchain   (   ,         )
|       |-- arm-eabi-4.2.1 
|       |-- arm-eabi-4.3.1 
|       |-- arm-eabi-4.4.0 
|       `-- i686-unknown-linux-gnu-4.2.1 (x86    )
|-- linux-x86_64   (linux x86 64bit  )
|-- windows    (windows  )
`-- windows-x86_64 (64bit windows  )

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