cdn 뒤의 실제 ip 가 져 오기

64530 단어 python-hack
0x01 requirement
1.use masscan but not nmap,code will install it if doesn’t exist 2.linux,ubuntu best,flushdns func test on ubuntu only 3.usage:

4.need on[some domain will be blocked by GFW,and this will make the result wrong]
0x02 pycode

###   ▄▄▄▄                ▄▄▄     ▄▄▄▄    ▀      ▄   
###  ▀   ▀█ ▄   ▄  ▄▄▄▄     █    ▄▀  ▀▄ ▄▄▄    ▄▄█▄▄ 
###    ▄▄▄▀  █▄█   █▀ ▀█    █    █  ▄ █   █      █   
###      ▀█  ▄█▄   █   █    █    █    █   █      █   
###  ▀▄▄▄█▀ ▄▀ ▀▄  ██▄█▀  ▄▄█▄▄   █▄▄█  ▄▄█▄▄    ▀▄▄ 
###                █                                 
###                ▀                                 
### name:
### function: try to get the actual ip behind cdn
### date: 2016-11-05
### author: quanyechavshuo
### blog:
import time
import os
os.system("pip3 install exp10it -U --no-cache")    
from exp10it import figlet2file

from exp10it import CLIOutput
from exp10it import get_root_domain
from exp10it import get_string_from_command
from exp10it import get_http_or_https
from exp10it import post_request
from exp10it import get_request
from exp10it import check
import sys
import re

class Xcdn(object):

    def __init__(self,domain):
        #       ,    ping google         ,    domain   GFW           
        #       ,check   ping google      1
        while 1:
            if check()==1:
                print(" is off,connect  first")
        #    hosts      domain    ,      
        #   sed       
# command="sed -ri 's/.*\s+%s//' /etc/hosts" % domainPattern os.system(command) self.domain=domain self.http_or_https=get_http_or_https(self.domain) print('domain http https :%s' % self.http_or_https) result=get_request(self.http_or_https+"://"+self.domain,'seleniumPhantomJS') self.domain_title=result['title'] # main get_actual_ip_from_domain actual_ip = self.get_actual_ip_from_domain() if actual_ip != 0: print(" ,%s ip %s" % (self.domain, actual_ip)) # self.return_value=actual_ip def domain_has_cdn(self): # domain cdn # cdn , , cdn cloudflare, {'has_cdn':1,'is_cloud_flare':1} # {'has_cdn':1,'is_cloud_flare':0} {'has_cdn':0,'is_cloud_flare':0} import re CLIOutput().good_print(" domain:%s cdn" % self.domain) has_cdn = 0 # ns mx , ,eg.dig +short ns VS dig +short ns result = get_string_from_command("dig ns %s +short" % get_root_domain(self.domain)) pattern = re.compile( r"(cloudflare)|(cdn)|(cloud)|(fast)|(incapsula)|(photon)|(cachefly)|(wppronto)|(softlayer)|(incapsula)|(jsdelivr)|(akamai)", re.I) cloudflare_pattern = re.compile(r"cloudflare", re.I) if, result): if, result): print("has_cdn=1 from ns,and cdn is cloudflare") return {'has_cdn': 1, 'is_cloud_flare': 1} else: print("has_cdn=1 from ns") return {'has_cdn': 1, 'is_cloud_flare': 0} else: # a , a >1 , cdn result = get_string_from_command("dig a %s +short" % self.domain) find_a_record_pattern = re.findall(r"((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})", result) if find_a_record_pattern: ip_count = 0 for each in find_a_record_pattern: ip_count += 1 if ip_count > 1: has_cdn = 1 return {'has_cdn': 1, 'is_cloud_flare': 0} return {'has_cdn': 0, 'is_cloud_flare': 0} def get_domain_actual_ip_from_phpinfo(self): # phpinfo ip CLIOutput().good_print(" domain:%s phpinfo ip" % self.domain) phpinfo_page_list = ["info.php", "phpinfo.php", "test.php", "l.php"] for each in phpinfo_page_list: url = self.http_or_https + "://" + self.domain + "/" + each CLIOutput().good_print(" %s" % url) visit = get_request(url,'seleniumPhantomJS') code = visit['code'] content = visit['content'] pattern = re.compile(r"remote_addr", re.I) if code == 200 and, content): print(each) actual_ip ="REMOTE_ADDR[^\.\d]+([\d\.]{7,15})[^\.\d]+", content).group(1) return actual_ip # return 0 phpinfo ip return 0 def flush_dns(self): # dns cache # dns cache hosts CLIOutput().good_print(" dns cache") command = "/etc/init.d/dns-clean start && /etc/init.d/networking force-reload" os.system(command) import time time.sleep(3) def modify_hosts_file_with_ip_and_domain(self,ip): # hosts CLIOutput().good_print(" hosts ") exists_domain_line = False with open("/etc/hosts", "r+") as f: file_content = if"%s" % domain.replace(".", "\."), file_content): exists_domain_line = True if exists_domain_line == True: os.system("sed -ri 's/.*%s.*/%s %s/' %s" % (self.domain.replace(".", "\."), ip, self.domain, "/etc/hosts")) else: os.system("echo %s %s >> /etc/hosts" % (ip, self.domain)) def check_if_ip_is_actual_ip_of_domain(self,ip): # hosts ip domain ip # True, False CLIOutput().good_print(" hosts dns ip:%s domain:%s ip" % (ip, self.domain)) os.system("cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak") self.modify_hosts_file_with_ip_and_domain(ip) self.flush_dns() hosts_changed_domain_title= get_request(self.http_or_https + "://%s" % self.domain,'seleniumPhantomJS')['title'] os.system("rm /etc/hosts && mv /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts") # title ,html ,title if self.domain_title== hosts_changed_domain_title: print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!") return True else: print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!") return False def get_c_80_or_443_list(self,ip): # ip c 80 443 ip if "not found" in get_string_from_command("masscan"): # nmap ,nmap os.system("apt-get install masscan") if self.http_or_https=="http": scanPort=80 CLIOutput().good_print(" %s c 80 " % ip) if self.http_or_https=="https": scanPort=443 CLIOutput().good_print(" %s c 443 " % ip) masscan_command = "masscan -p%d %s/24 > /tmp/masscan.out" % (scanPort,ip) os.system(masscan_command) with open("/tmp/masscan.out", "r+") as f: strings = #os.system("rm /tmp/masscan.out") import re allIP=re.findall(r"((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})",strings) ipList=[] for each in allIP: ipList.append(each[0]) print(ipList) return ipList def check_if_ip_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain(self,ip): # ip c domain ip, ip, 0 CLIOutput().good_print(" ip %s c %s ip" % (ip,self.domain)) target_list=self.get_c_80_or_443_list(ip) for each_ip in target_list: if True == self.check_if_ip_is_actual_ip_of_domain(each_ip): return each_ip return 0 def get_ip_from_mx_record(self): # mx ip , mx c ip print(" mx %s mx " % self.domain) import socket # from exp10it import get_root_domain root_domain = get_root_domain(self.domain) from exp10it import get_string_from_command result = get_string_from_command("dig %s +short mx" % root_domain) sub_domains_list = re.findall(r"\d{1,} (.*\.%s)\." % root_domain.replace(".", "\."), result) ip_list = [] for each in sub_domains_list: print(each) ip = socket.gethostbyname_ex(each)[2] if ip[0] not in ip_list: ip_list.append(ip[0]) return ip_list def check_if_mx_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain(self): # domain mx ip[ ip ] c domain ip # ip, 0 CLIOutput().good_print(" mx c %s ip" % self.domain) ip_list = self.get_ip_from_mx_record() if ip_list != []: for each_ip in ip_list: result = self.check_if_ip_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain(each_ip) if result != 0: return result else: continue return 0 def get_ip_value_from_online_cloudflare_interface(self): # cloudflare ip ip # ip ip , 0 CLIOutput().good_print(" cloudflare cdn ip ip") url = "" post_data = 'cfS=%s' % self.domain content = post_request(url, post_data) findIp ="((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})", content) if findIp: return return 0 def get_actual_ip_from_domain(self): # domain ip, domain cdn # ip, 0 CLIOutput().good_print(" ip , domain cdn ") import socket has_cdn_value = self.domain_has_cdn() if has_cdn_value['has_cdn'] == 1: CLIOutput().good_print(" domain:%s A , cdn" % self.domain) pass else: CLIOutput().good_print("Attention...!!! Domain doesn't have cdn,I will return the only one ip") true_ip = socket.gethostbyname_ex(self.domain)[2][0] return true_ip # cloudflare ip ip if has_cdn_value['is_cloud_flare'] == 1: ip_value = self.get_ip_value_from_online_cloudflare_interface() if ip_value != 0: return ip_value else: pass # phpinfo ip ip_from_phpinfo = self.get_domain_actual_ip_from_phpinfo() if ip_from_phpinfo == 0: pass else: return ip_from_phpinfo # mx ip result = self.check_if_mx_c_machines_has_actual_ip_of_domain() if result == 0: pass else: return result print(" , %s cdn, ip, 0" % self.domain) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys domain=sys.argv[1] Xcdn(domain)

cdn, python
I feedback.
Let me know what you think of this article on twitter @quanyechavshuo!
댓 글 2 개 hxxh
안녕하세요, py 를 배 운 적 이 없습니다. 이 스 크 립 트 를 실행 한 후에 from: too many arguments. / xcdn. py: 행 19: 예상 치 못 한 기호 '3xp10it', 0, True '근처에 문법 오류 가 있 습 니 다. / xcdn. py: 행 19:' figlet2file '(' 3xp10it ', 0, True)' 어떻게 된 일 인지 물 어보 세 요.
2016 년 11 월 18 일
대답 하 다
전달 하 다

hxxh: figlet2file ("3xp10it", 0, True) 줄 코드 를 주석 할 수 있 습 니 다. 즉, \ # figlet2file ("3xp10it", 0, True) [이 줄 코드 는 인쇄 기능 입 니 다. 코드 기능 에 있어 서 는 중요 하지 않 습 니 다. 시스템 이 ubuntu 가 아니라면 오류 가 발생 할 수 있 습 니 다]
2016 년 11 월 25 일
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