37가지 센서 - 크랜베리 파이 개발 - 8 - 빛 차단

C 언어 프로그래밍
원리도 마찬가지로 빛을 가릴 때 고전평 신호가 발생한다.

#define LBPin		0  // light break pin set to GPIO0
#define Gpin		1
#define Rpin		2

void LED(int color)
	pinMode(Gpin, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(Rpin, OUTPUT);
	if (color == 0){
		digitalWrite(Rpin, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(Gpin, LOW);
	else if (color == 1){
		digitalWrite(Rpin, LOW);
		digitalWrite(Gpin, HIGH);

void Print(int x){
	if ( x == 0 ){
		printf("Light was blocked
); } } int main(void){ if(wiringPiSetup() == -1){ //when initialize wiring failed,print messageto screen printf("setup wiringPi failed !"); return 1; } pinMode(LBPin, INPUT); int temp; while(1){ //Reverse the input of LBPin if ( digitalRead(LBPin) == 0 ){ temp = 1; } if ( digitalRead(LBPin) == 1 ){ temp = 0; } LED(temp); Print(temp); } return 0; }

파이썬 프로그래밍
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

PIPin  = 11
Gpin   = 12
Rpin   = 13

def setup():
	GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location
	GPIO.setup(Gpin, GPIO.OUT)     # Set Green Led Pin mode to output
	GPIO.setup(Rpin, GPIO.OUT)     # Set Red Led Pin mode to output
	GPIO.setup(PIPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)    # Set BtnPin's mode is input, and pull up to high level(3.3V)
	GPIO.add_event_detect(PIPin, GPIO.BOTH, callback=detect, bouncetime=200)

def Led(x):
	if x == 0:
		GPIO.output(Rpin, 1)
		GPIO.output(Gpin, 0)
	if x == 1:
		GPIO.output(Rpin, 0)
		GPIO.output(Gpin, 1)

def Print(x):
	if x == 1:
		print '    *************************'
		print '    *   Light was blocked   *'
		print '    *************************'

def detect(chn):

def loop():
	while True:

def destroy():
	GPIO.output(Gpin, GPIO.HIGH)       # Green led off
	GPIO.output(Rpin, GPIO.HIGH)       # Red led off
	GPIO.cleanup()                     # Release resource

if __name__ == '__main__':     # Program start from here
	except KeyboardInterrupt:  # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child program destroy() will be  executed.

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