2018-07-26 Configure Nginx on Windows

894 단어
  • Download the zip-file from the official site.
  • Un-zip the files into a folder, like E:\Downloads
  • Follow the beginner's guide to learn basic of Nginx
  • Below is the final nginx.conf
  • e:\Downloads\tools
    ginx\conf>type nginx.conf #user nobody; worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { server { listen 8081; location /{ root e:/Downloads/tools/nginx/html/data/www; } location /images/{ root e:/Downloads/tools/nginx/html/data/; } } }

  • A blog post about PROXY
  • Download from Nginx site
  • Nginx beginner's Guide
  • Nginx load-balance to Tomcat
  • 좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기