(1) Orcale 초식과 라이브러리 표의 첨삭 수정

Oracle 로컬 작업
하나.명령 창 들어가기
a. sqlplus---              
b. sqlplusw---             --        a  

둘.환경 설정 - set 명령
a. set linesize   ---       
b. set pagesize   ---         	

셋.오류 명령 수정 방법
a. ed---                
b. @---               
c.             ,        ,       sql          
d. “/”---           

넷.사용자 전환 - conn 사용자 이름/암호 [as sysdba]
a.    sys            as sysdba,       
b.                           ---   .  (scott.emp)
c.            ---show user

오.데이터베이스에 있는 모든 테이블의 이름 가져오기 - select * from tab
데이터베이스 업데이트
a. insert(  ),update(  ,  ),delete(  )
b.    ---create table      as select * from      ;
c. clear scr;---  
d. to_date('2008-08-08','yyyy-mm-dd')
e. delete         ,     ---delete from   ;
f. drop table   ;---   
g. select job,count(empno) 
   from  emp where job 
   (select job from emp group by job having min(sal) > 1500)
--- emp    job          1500   
   group by job;
--- emp     in       ,                   

양식 작성 및 삭제
	i. varchar(varchar2)---     ,     225
	ii. number---number(n)---    ,     n,    int,number(m,n)---      ,       n,     m-n,    float
	iii. date---    
	iv. clob---     ,     ,      4G   
	v. blob---     ,     ,    4G
	i. create table    (          [default   ],……) 
	ii.    ---create table     as (   ),                    ,           ,       
	i.   ---alter table     add(          default    ,……)
	ii.   ---alter table     modify(          default    ,……)---        ,                  ,          
	rename         , oracle   
	rename     to     
	drop table    ---   
	         ,       ,             
	truncate table    ;

제약조건의 분류 및 사용 - 제약조건을 사용하여 데이터베이스 테이블의 데이터 무결성을 보장
	i.     ---          ,      
	ii.     ---               ,             ,      
	iii.     ---           
	iv.     ---     
	v.     ---           
b.     ---primary key---         ,     constraint         ---constraint person_pid_pk primary key(pid)
c.     ---not null---           
d.     ---unique---              ,        ---     constraint         ---constraint person_name_uk unique(name)
e.     ---check---                      ,         ---check(age between 0 and 150)---                 ,     constraint         ---constraint person_age_ck check(age between 0 and 150)
f.     ---foreign key---              ,              
	i.  -    ---              ,              ---constraint person_book_pid_fk foreign key(pid)---     (  ) references person(pid)---     
	iii.          ,     ---         ---drop table book cascade constraint
	iv.          ,                       ---constraint person_book_pid_fk foreign key(pid) references person(pid) on delete cascade
	i.       ---alter table     add constraint          (    )
	ii.     ---       ---alter table     drop constraint     
h. rownum---  /  ---             
	i. select rownum ,ename from emp;---    *   
	ii. select rownum, ename from emp where rownum <= 5;
	iii.          ---       
		---select * from (select rownum m,empno,ename from emp where rownum<=10) temp where temp.m>5;

데이터 조회
단순 조회, 한정 조회
	i.      ----              、  ,    
	ii.         ---select [distinct] (* or       or         ) from       ;
b.   distinct            
	i. select distinct    from   ;
	ii.   :        ,                 ,             ,         (           )      。
	i.   orcale          ,     “||”  
	ii.         ,          “‘’”   
	iii.   :select '   :' || empno || '   ,   :' ||ename|| ',   :' || job from emp;
d.       ---where     
	i.        (null)---where    is not null
	ii.                and          
	iii.         :or ---              
	iv.        :not XXX---XXX      
	v.          :where    between     and    ----              
	vi.        ---where    between '1-1  -81' and '31-12  -81'---         ,          
	vii.   : orcale             ,           
	viii.            --- in          ---   in ( 1, 2, 3……)  not in ()
	ix.   :  in            ,        ,           
	x.      like    ---           “‘’”
		1) “%”:               
		2) “_”:               
	xi.         :"<>" , "!="
e.          ---order by--- sql            from---where---group by---having---select--order by
	i.        ,       desc
	ii.          ---       “,”  ,         ,         ,          。

다중 테이블 조회
a.     :           ,        

select e.ename,e.sal,d.dname,s.grade,m.ename,m.sal,ms.grade from emp e,emp m,salgrade s,dept d,salgrade ms where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal and e.mgr=m.empno and m.sal between ms.losal and ms.hisal
select e.ename,e.sal,d.dname,decode(s.grade,1,'     ',2,'     ',3,'     ',4,'     ',5,'     '),
m.ename,m.sal,decode(ms.grade,1,'     ',2,'     ',3,'     ',4,'     ',5,'     ') 
from emp e,emp m,salgrade s,dept d,salgrade ms 
where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal and e.mgr=m.empno and m.sal between ms.losal and ms.hisal

b.  、   
	i. select e.empno,e.ename,d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno;
	ii. (+)               ,     
	iii. (+) =       ,(+) =       ,
e. Sql1999(  )
	i. cross join---    ---      
	ii. natural join---    ---           
	iii. using  :        ---select * from emp e join dept d using(deptno) where deptno =30;
	iv. on  :        

하위 질의
한 검색어의 내부에 다른 검색어를 포함하다
a.             “()”   
	i.      ---             
	ii.      ---     
	iii.      ---      
c. in,any,all
	i. in---      ---                ,       ,    in        ---select * from emp where sal in(select min(sal) from emp group by deptno);--- emp        deptno    ,     sal    
	ii. any
		1) =any 
		2) >any ---     ,      
		3) all---      

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