ktx [WIP] (Google I/O 2018)Modern Android development: Android Jetpack, Kotlin, and more 비망록 ※만약 실수가 있으면 죄송합니다만 지적해 주십시오. The last couple of years have seen a plethora of new features and patterns for Android developers. But how do developers know when to use existing APIs and features vs. This session will help... ktxJetpack안드로이드 개발안드로이드Kotlin
[WIP] (Google I/O 2018)Modern Android development: Android Jetpack, Kotlin, and more 비망록 ※만약 실수가 있으면 죄송합니다만 지적해 주십시오. The last couple of years have seen a plethora of new features and patterns for Android developers. But how do developers know when to use existing APIs and features vs. This session will help... ktxJetpack안드로이드 개발안드로이드Kotlin