Robust-Learning Introduction and Implementation of JoCoR-Loss (CVPR2020) This paper aims to mitigate the negative impact of noisy labels on model training. In the later stage of training, let the two models judge whether the input label is reliable respectively. 이러한 새 손실 기능은 두 모델을 사용하여 predic... PyTorch파이썬ComputerVisionRobust-Learning
Introduction and Implementation of JoCoR-Loss (CVPR2020) This paper aims to mitigate the negative impact of noisy labels on model training. In the later stage of training, let the two models judge whether the input label is reliable respectively. 이러한 새 손실 기능은 두 모델을 사용하여 predic... PyTorch파이썬ComputerVisionRobust-Learning