Codewars [04.12.22] Codewars There was a test in your class and you passed it. But you want to know if you're better than the average student in your class. You receive an array with your peers' test scores. Now calculate the average and compare you... CodewarsCodewars (알고리즘) codewars : first NonRepeatedCharacter Description Given an arbitrary input string, return the first non-repeated character in the string. For example: firstNonRepeatedCharacter('ABA'); // => 'B' firstNonRepeatedCharacter('AABCABD'); // => 'C' 문제 풀이 해쉬 유형의 문제... JavaScriptCodewarsjs자바스크립트알고리즘Codewars Algorithm 9 - [JS] Which are in? Given two arrays of strings a1 and a2 return a sorted array r in lexicographical order of the strings of a1 which are substrings of strings of a2. Example 1: Example 2: Notes: Arrays are written in "general" notation. Se... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 9 - Remove String Spaces Description: Simple, remove the spaces from the string, then return the resultant string. For C, you must return a new dynamically allocated string.... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu 알고리즘 38 - Disemvowel Trolls Trolls are attacking your comment section! A common way to deal with this situation is to remove all of the vowels from the trolls' comments, neutralizing the threat. Your task is to write a function that takes a string ... CodewarsalgorithmCC 알고리즘 62 - All Star Code Challenge #18 Create a function that accepts 2 string arguments and returns an integer of the count of occurrences the 2nd argument is found in the first one. If no occurrences can be found, a count of 0 should be returned. ("Hello", ... CodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars 알고리즘 37 - Mumbling This time no story, no theory. The examples below show you how to write function accum: Examples: accum("abcd") -> "A-Bb-Ccc-Dddd" accum("RqaEzty") -> "R-Qq-Aaa-Eeee-Zzzzz-Tttttt-Yyyyyyy" accum("cwAt") -> "C-Ww-Aaa-Tttt"... CodewarsalgorithmCC Algorithm 12 - [JS] A Chain adding function We want to create a function that will add numbers together when called in succession. We also want to be able to continue to add numbers to our chain. A single call should return the number passed in. We should be able ... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 16 - Basic Mathematical Operations Description: Your task is to create a function that does four basic mathematical operations. The function should take three arguments - operation(string/char), value1(number), value2(number). The function should return r... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu Algorithm 26 - Sum without highest and lowest number Description: Sum all the numbers of the array (in F# and Haskell you get a list) except the highest and the lowest element (the value, not the index!). (The highest/lowest element is respectively only one element at each... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu 알고리즘 29 - Convert a Boolean to a String Implement a function which convert the given boolean value into its string representation. Note: Only valid inputs will be given.... CodewarsalgorithmCC Algorithm 7 - [JS] Find the missing letter Write a method that takes an array of consecutive (increasing) letters as input and that returns the missing letter in the array. You will always get an valid array. And it will be always exactly one letter be missing. T... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 20 - Invert values Description: Given a set of numbers, return the additive inverse of each. Each positive becomes negatives, and the negatives become positives. invert([1,2,3,4,5]) == [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5] invert([1,-2,3,-4,5]) == [-1,2,-3,4,-... 8kyuCodewarsCalgorithm8kyu [CodeKata JS] Sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 Task 당신의 임무는 findSum 함수를 작성하는 것입니다. n을 파라미터로 받는 이 함수는 n 이하의 3과 5의 모든 배수의 합을 반환합니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다. findSum(5)는 8(3 + 5)을 반환해야합니다. findSum(10)은 33(3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10)을 반환해야합니다. Initial Setting My Solution Solution 1 of An... CodewarsJavaScriptjscodekataCodewars Human Readable Time Description: Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format (HH:MM:SS) HH = hours, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 99 MM = minutes, padded to 2 dig... CodewarsJavaScriptCodewars 알고리즘 42 - Square Every Digit Welcome. In this kata, you are asked to square every digit of a number and concatenate them. For example, if we run 9119 through the function, 811181 will come out, because 92 is 81 and 12 is 1. Note: The function accept... CodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars
[04.12.22] Codewars There was a test in your class and you passed it. But you want to know if you're better than the average student in your class. You receive an array with your peers' test scores. Now calculate the average and compare you... CodewarsCodewars (알고리즘) codewars : first NonRepeatedCharacter Description Given an arbitrary input string, return the first non-repeated character in the string. For example: firstNonRepeatedCharacter('ABA'); // => 'B' firstNonRepeatedCharacter('AABCABD'); // => 'C' 문제 풀이 해쉬 유형의 문제... JavaScriptCodewarsjs자바스크립트알고리즘Codewars Algorithm 9 - [JS] Which are in? Given two arrays of strings a1 and a2 return a sorted array r in lexicographical order of the strings of a1 which are substrings of strings of a2. Example 1: Example 2: Notes: Arrays are written in "general" notation. Se... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 9 - Remove String Spaces Description: Simple, remove the spaces from the string, then return the resultant string. For C, you must return a new dynamically allocated string.... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu 알고리즘 38 - Disemvowel Trolls Trolls are attacking your comment section! A common way to deal with this situation is to remove all of the vowels from the trolls' comments, neutralizing the threat. Your task is to write a function that takes a string ... CodewarsalgorithmCC 알고리즘 62 - All Star Code Challenge #18 Create a function that accepts 2 string arguments and returns an integer of the count of occurrences the 2nd argument is found in the first one. If no occurrences can be found, a count of 0 should be returned. ("Hello", ... CodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars 알고리즘 37 - Mumbling This time no story, no theory. The examples below show you how to write function accum: Examples: accum("abcd") -> "A-Bb-Ccc-Dddd" accum("RqaEzty") -> "R-Qq-Aaa-Eeee-Zzzzz-Tttttt-Yyyyyyy" accum("cwAt") -> "C-Ww-Aaa-Tttt"... CodewarsalgorithmCC Algorithm 12 - [JS] A Chain adding function We want to create a function that will add numbers together when called in succession. We also want to be able to continue to add numbers to our chain. A single call should return the number passed in. We should be able ... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 16 - Basic Mathematical Operations Description: Your task is to create a function that does four basic mathematical operations. The function should take three arguments - operation(string/char), value1(number), value2(number). The function should return r... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu Algorithm 26 - Sum without highest and lowest number Description: Sum all the numbers of the array (in F# and Haskell you get a list) except the highest and the lowest element (the value, not the index!). (The highest/lowest element is respectively only one element at each... 8kyuCodewarsalgorithmC8kyu 알고리즘 29 - Convert a Boolean to a String Implement a function which convert the given boolean value into its string representation. Note: Only valid inputs will be given.... CodewarsalgorithmCC Algorithm 7 - [JS] Find the missing letter Write a method that takes an array of consecutive (increasing) letters as input and that returns the missing letter in the array. You will always get an valid array. And it will be always exactly one letter be missing. T... codekataCodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars Algorithm 20 - Invert values Description: Given a set of numbers, return the additive inverse of each. Each positive becomes negatives, and the negatives become positives. invert([1,2,3,4,5]) == [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5] invert([1,-2,3,-4,5]) == [-1,2,-3,4,-... 8kyuCodewarsCalgorithm8kyu [CodeKata JS] Sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 Task 당신의 임무는 findSum 함수를 작성하는 것입니다. n을 파라미터로 받는 이 함수는 n 이하의 3과 5의 모든 배수의 합을 반환합니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다. findSum(5)는 8(3 + 5)을 반환해야합니다. findSum(10)은 33(3 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 10)을 반환해야합니다. Initial Setting My Solution Solution 1 of An... CodewarsJavaScriptjscodekataCodewars Human Readable Time Description: Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format (HH:MM:SS) HH = hours, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 99 MM = minutes, padded to 2 dig... CodewarsJavaScriptCodewars 알고리즘 42 - Square Every Digit Welcome. In this kata, you are asked to square every digit of a number and concatenate them. For example, if we run 9119 through the function, 811181 will come out, because 92 is 81 and 12 is 1. Note: The function accept... CodewarsJavaScriptalgorithmCodewars